Uh guys, what the fuck is happening

uh guys, what the fuck is happening

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-16 SEBASTIEN COCHARD su Twitter I am actually stricken by the regularity of the pent of the #spread incr[...].png (598x476, 39.63K)

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holy shit a carbonara w/ cream flew over my house

All crime syndicates in Italy are about to be mobilized. Non-Italians will be decimated, and stricken from the land. This is where a new awakening dawns first.

Monitoring this. Sauce on ECB selling spaghetti debt?

Can someone explain to a brainlet what this means?

Attached: C-wSxr9XcAALNaf (1).jpg (446x236, 17.6K)

Well, i'll roll for that.

Nothing fun ever happens.

I know, it's so disappointing.

Attached: CHRIST.jpg (1704x760, 515.38K)

good, i don't want to be liable for italian debt.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Please explain for an ignorant burger.

ECB was meant to buy more debt from euro countries. Sort of a European version of QE. But that frog egghead says they're selling Italian debt. This would crash the value of Italian debt, thereby crashing the Italian economy with no survivors.

Big if true.


I thought European institutions were prohibited from buying (and therefore also selling) the debt of member states by the Lisbon treaty

>Italian economy

Attached: 1586314078406.png (351x319, 107.59K)

Fuggg thanks med kit

Programmed to kill:
-The greenbaum speech:
-The finders cult:
-Dutroux (Wikileaks):

I think this is econonist technobabble to say that ECB is getting into the QE game

Attached: Screenshot_20200416-004127_Samsung Internet.jpg (720x1560, 439.6K)

How does selling decrease the price?

No idea but that seems fucking stupid. EU should have gotten into QE since the 08 crisis.
Then again QE just becomes a neverending cycle when you have deregulated banking like in the EU. But what do I know.
Only thing that's clear is that ECB is crashing the EU with no survivors.

Market saturation I'd say

Literal fake news, the only reason why the spreads widened today was the killing of the coronabond option.
No fiscally responsible state wants to sign a blank check for us, especially with out greedy nigger political class.
We got fucked by ourselves but the average retarded italian keeps blaming an alleged scheme to fuck us over.



It was a scheme by the ECB tho. ECB deregulated the banking sector allowing for bubble economy just like in Spain. Italians simply played ball, but anyone would have.

..that Germany created and profited from.

>prohibited from buying
in the primary market

check THIS

Of course it was easier in shitaly than in Germany, but the ECB is doing the same thing to Germany, except they have a harder time making it work there.
God I'm so glad we're not in the EU. ECB is literally evil.

Am I meant to understand what he is saying?

fuck you kek. no chicken sacrifice for you tonight

I prepped hard next 3 months and I am ready to start an hydroponic colture. I have also bought weapons like machetes and shit. Fuck UE, I'm ready.

Fucking Midwits

oh hes a wise guy isnt he

Whats qe

>the killing of the coronabond option.
did that happen today?

Means 1 of every 10 killed.

Surprising number of mountain Jews ITT
the mention of banking must excite them

That's the real politics right there. All else is a show for the goyim. You should be learning economist technobabble user. Remember what professor Werner says, it's all quite simple really, just made to look complex so you can get away with anything and people don't notice it.


Quantitative easing. When the central bank buys bad debt to make up for it. A central bank can do that because its bad debt isn't fiscalized loke it would be in a regular bank, basically making it go away through jewish banking magic.

Only M5S, Lega and FdI are refusing MES now. Coronabonds are impracticable and they all know. It's just a shill.

they are crashing the world economy with no survivors

Basically the ECB limited its own purchases of a certain debt issuance to the 33% of the said issuance.
Now the limit has lifted and will probably will fuck up the price discovery even more, this isn’t free market, it’s CB price enforcing by monetary policy.
This was before the 2008 crisis, people heavily leveraged until the spreads with other countries widened and all the credit bubble fell apart. Too bad people were too retarded not to take advantage of lower int rates to refinance.
Last chance got killed today in the absolute silence of the MSM, they literally cover only the stories they’re told to.

Ah yes good old speculative economics

Literally just me and one user who didn't even understand supply and demand.
But hey if you think you're cool for falling for the smoke and mirrors tricks while the eternal jew is fucking you up the ass, be my guest :^)

Lol his last name is cock hard are you kidding me

Global economy will crush anyway at the second wave of the 'rona.

That's right, you don't know anything about politics if you don't know anything about central banks and fiscal policy

Pig. We got your fucking euro, we did your fucking cuts, you get our fucking debt.

QE isn't speculative economics, but rather a reaction to it. QE is actually based, if it's paired with window guidance banking regulation you get a pretty good thing going which the jews hate because it fucks speculative economics over.

>our euro
>was literally made to keep Germany in check

cope harder. Why are southern Europeans always blame other countries?

>Now the limit has lifted and will probably will fuck up the price discovery even more, this isn’t free market, it’s CB price enforcing by monetary policy.
Why is this a bad thing? Genuinely interested

The IMF just forgave all outstanding debt to all developing countries

it's the reason why jeff bezos can't sell all of his stock for the current price of AMZN: selling a lot of something drives the price down because now there's a bigger supply of that thing.

>Last chance got killed today


>European Institution

Don't fall for the d&c meme user. Germany did not actually benefit from the euro ans they're about to get the same treatment as you guys as soon as the poisoned fruit is ripe.
Everyone loses with the euro. WITH JEWS YOU LOSE.

Money printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Actually spot on lmao

Im Rolling for complete elimination of the darkies in italy

says the mountain jew living in an irrelevant country.

It was made to benefit germany ONLY thinking it would remove any motive for you to destroy europe once again.
AN obvious mistake. We'll have to nuke you to correct it.

debt collectivization is the next step of eu centralization

1) the ECB gets too much exposure on a single issuance = in the event of default on that single issuance the losses are massive
2) it breaks the price discovery function of the market, too much exposure on particular issuances makes the market more illiquid and worse at pricing financial instruments, meaning that the prices are totally altered by the ECB intervention.
3) buying too much of a single issuance makes it even harder to liquidate the investment in the event of a sudden reduction of the exposure. There would be no market anymore to buy the assets because it got dried previously.

>It was made to benefit germany ONLY

bs, germany did well with the mark as well, probably even better.
