Whatever happened to this guy?
Whatever happened to this guy?
He finally transitioned
the trumpcucks was the same as the employee, both are whiny retarded fags. America is a real shithole
Just like Chris Chan I guess
Feel free to leave anytime asshole.
Think you'd be more at home in Canada
jeez, haven't heard that name in years
he was beheaded on top of a mountain
why, because the guy wanted to buy something from a store instead of letting some shitty employee refuse him service for no reason? I only saw one retard screeching in the video and it wasn't the MAGA retard.
The zionist was the impotent fag who didn't even say shit in the video. It's just modern Muttmerica where no one has any balls. Another man starts yelling at him for his beliefs and his first idea was to pull out his phone and record like woman or homosexual.
Lucky you
Ofcourse the MIGApede has a bull with him too.
Are you retarded? You think that 35+ year old man should have beat up some 20 year old for "dissing" him? And that this would have been better than simply humiliating him in front of the whole world?
Are those posts from his Facebook or something. Did he actually transition or is
Um you mean Christine?? Fucking biggot
If People started beating the shit out of each other for acting like this society would be a lot more polite.
You forgot the Pavlovian "I'm not racist" response.
Pretty sure we found the guy but when someone called him he claimed to be a Trump supporter, we weren't for sure if it was him or not so we just let it go.
he was one of the early rona deaths, caught it via fake chinese carts and his girly lungs just couldn't even
This was the place
*glove slap*
>Implying that soicuck hated the trump supporter for being a zionist jewlover
Wow he got fat
And you're free to fuck off back to Israel any time rabbi. Get out of America and quit making this place a third world shithole you fucking jews
A 35 year old "man" should act with better temperament then a fucking whiny child throwing a hissy fit