>I shot some people 70 years ago so everybody has to suck my dick
God, is there anything worse than war vet fags? >"hurr durr they are heroes" no they are not. They knew the risks, they knew what was involved, they went because they wanted. They are no better than garbage men or coal miners. >"b-but they were drafted! they had no choice!" then they are living proof that the government is a tyrannical institution that sends young men to die overseas because of political interests, these men are not heroes they are victims of the government. And stupid americucks praise these men for "fighting for freedom" when they FORCED to fight... KEK.
I don’t know what you’re talking Pedro, but WWII vets rarely talk about their experience. They usual keep quiet.
On another hand, vets from recent wars are fucking insufferable. They constantly need normies to thank them for their services and anyone within an earshot needs to hear about them serving their countries.
There is nothing worst on this earth than a fucking boastful vet.
Jeremiah Jackson
vai se foder or some gobbledygook
Xavier Brown
You know what's worse than war vets? A sandnigger looking brazilanon complaining about them on a thai ladyboy forum.
>they went because they wanted. Shut the fuck up monkey.
Chase Reed
Since we had our war in 1990s I am surrounded by war vets on a daily basis. Dad and 2 uncles fought. It is absolutely unimaginable for somebody to behave in such a way here, such a sense of self importance is totally alien to the people here.
80% of them went to their former jobs and have continued their lives normally, 15% remained in the army as professional soldiers and 5% are auto destructive and depressive boozers with ptsd. And no one is going around, expecting to be thanked.
Parker Murphy
I agree with you. I hope all those fucking old idiots die soon, and I will never respect someone who killed someone just because "muh country".
Zachary Collins
must be nice not having anything to fight for
Dylan James
must be nice being a cuck who needs other men to fight for you
Thomas Evans
no one cares
Jacob James
Based and zogpilled. I hate when people thank me for my service.
Elijah Lopez
imagine being proud of having fought on the losing side in a war. Vietnam and Iraq, Afghanistan vets are cringe af. Living Nazis get a pass, nice try bros.
Dylan Rogers
That guy is a huge degenerate faggot, I hope he'll get corona.
Not all veterans fought for the Jews and sex change though.
>who cares about veterans >WE NEED TO PAY OFF LOANS THAT PEOPLE AGREED TO TAKE OUT. THE HUMANITY!!! monkey posting again?
Brandon Edwards
Because American vets are the most pretentious cunts you’ll ever met. You’re not special. We’ve all seen some shit that would send a civilian into a catatonic state.
Going around wearing your army t-shirt expecting civilians to constantly thanking you is retarded.
Gabriel Hughes
>is there anything worse than vet war fags? yeah, (you)
Brandon Wright
where did I mention American vets, you dumb slavnigger?
James Martinez
At least they fought in a real war, they weren't on a 6 month long vacation in some base in Iraq, ocassionally sniping women and children.
Zachary James
>"Greatest Generation" is despised by the right for fucking everything up >"Greatest Generation" is also despised by the left because they weren't progressive It brings me solace to know that, no matter who ends up winning, these faggots won't have anyone tending their gravestones at the end
Josiah Cox
>they went because they wanted Nigga you dumb?
Jaxon Hernandez
>And no one is going around, expecting to be thanked. Because they fought in a war where no one was the good guy you retard
Josiah White
a society that does not respect its soldiers is a society that is asking to be invaded.
>Dad and 2 uncles fought. It is absolutely unimaginable for somebody to behave in such a way here, such a sense of self importance is totally alien to the people here.
unironically thank you for your service, but you have not idea how bad some of our vets have it, there were a lot of suicides in early post war and a lot of veterans than function today are on lifelong doses of pills. Guys were basically said, ok now go back to normal life, that works sometimes, but depends on what youve experience, saw, often its very hard.