So Trump secured the bag for us after all. I gotta say, my attitude about him is changing a bit...

So Trump secured the bag for us after all. I gotta say, my attitude about him is changing a bit, maybe he is the right man for the job in 2020.
Anyone else gonna invest this 1200 into their future? maybe some stocks or somthing, I normally live on a tight budget but this is my opportunity to get into some index funds possibly.

Attached: got my stack.jpg (750x440, 28.29K)

How are we going to pay for all of this???

not my problem fag. let the money machines go BRRRRRRRRRR.

for the first time in my adult life I actually have a little extra spending money to get more than just the basics.

>paying for netflix
nigger wtf

Nice bait.

That’s what got your attention? Not the 600$ doll?

Kek....only fans only the $6103.96 given to your findomme this month?

haha money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


It's already paid for, the government hoards our tax dollars and only spends them on us citizens during emergencies, the rest goes to the jews.

Love how Yas Forums built around its identity complaining about niggers who take government handouts, but quickly does a 180° when the check has their name on it.

Perhaps, for a more intelligent person than the average Yas Forums migaturd, that would be a humbling lesson to understand that we're not all so different

Not for Yas Forums's migaturds, tho!

Attached: mln5o3asz7p41.jpg (1242x1123, 281.29K)

Post the action figure fgt.

Buy some kind of investment in the market with it. After another four years of Trump it will be worth $10k minimum. 4 years of legendary gains incoming.

Checked. I was looking for a meme like this

Not the $6100 on OnlyFans?

Exactly. But most won't look at it this way lad. They got theirs, fuck everyone else.

1200 usd on the stock market is laughable, stock markets are a higher tier of investment, no one broke will make actual money by investing 1200usd in the stock market

>people living on welfare their entire lives is the same thing as a one time gov't handout of $1200

I only got like $60 lol

But I'm also not laid off

Blumph is a fucking retard and so are all his supporters.

its the opposite....yes we are not so different, true and we can all get along to some extent.

that doensnt mean i want my boarders being flooded with browns, and my demographics permanently altered why white people get shit on by every institution and our communities eroded and turned into lawless ghettos.


Attached: download.jpeg.jpg (206x244, 4.99K)

i just need one (1) of those bags, pls

Over $6000 for onlyfans.
Super expensive capeshit doll.
$8 payroll deposit.
Is there a collage you guys are getting these stimulus deposit pics from?
These are getting pretty funny.

>Anyone else gonna invest this 1200 into their future?
New tires for my truck, an olympic weight set and the rest in sterling silver for my side gig.

actually i bought the doll for my somewhat girl friend. weve been talking online for a while now, ive been helping her get on her feet but it seems like we really get along and she is really into me and i think we may become an official couple soon.

I still work as an essential employee and I just got my direct deposite from The Don.

Attached: corona.png (880x800, 840.66K)

what a faggot

they sent my trump bucks to the wrong bank account

I want to fucking cry. How the fuck does this even happen

When I was 17 and homeless I was denied access to the social safety net. This is the first time I have ever been helped by the government. Funny how my hatred for the government has abated just a tiny bit.

money is fake, mydube. meaningless. Google "israeli supreme court".

This, yes, +1, liked, moar

You have an obligation and duty to only spend it on drugs, guns, N95 masks, cigarettes, anything the gov DOESNT want you to spend it on.