How do we save the West?

Simple, short answers, please.

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Use the 5 whys

Assassinate all Jews in positions of power.
Kill all other Jews.
Kill all non-whites.
Ban Islam. Ban Judaism.
Revoke women's right to vote.

Problems solved.


Attached: SSPepe.png (477x768, 190.76K)

With the blood of capitalists and non whites.

Attached: nazbol6.jpg (1024x1024, 101.71K)

Kill commies

Attached: merchant2.jpg (206x245, 13.02K)

Pitchfork Justice.

10 days of darkness.

10 days of unrestrained, merciless death, destruction and retribution.

Not a matter of Justice anymore.

Hard reset - but learn from the old system and put checks and balances in place to prevent corruption.

Intelligence, empathy, love, anarcho-communism. Yes. It is impossible.

Import more of them right?
To breed our women?

Earn the right to have a say in the political arena only if you have served in the armed forces in a war zone.

Attached: 51mY6SErYjL.jpg (500x500, 62.23K)

Destroy techno-industrial society.

Rejuvenate Protestant Christianity.

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Degenerate anarkiddie.

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>Smash Marxism
>Dismantle ZOG
>Purge degeneracy
All other answers are inferior.

It's unsalvageable.

Gas the kikes, expel the shitskins, put libshits into labor camps


Just lift and stick to the truth.

The truth is power, user.

All of this lies, dick-sucking will be destroyed when exposed to truth.

Define "West" before trying to save it.

False flag followed by war is the only answer really.

Quranist Islam

1) immigration moratorium
2) immigration reform (repeal Hart-Cellar)
3) massive deportations
4) pro-family policies

Attached: Hart-Celler1965_Repeal.jpg (751x1003, 112.19K)

Stop feeling guilty.

Ya because saving an entire civilisation is done in, short, simple, answers.
404 this nigger

Returning to a gold standard. Boom, that fucking simple. Government cant provide any gibs when they can't just create the money to buy votes.

I'm more generate than you'll ever be faggot.

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You can't stop the cycle of civilizations. It has to collapse before it can be saved. Propping it up will just make everything worse.

socialist politics without the bullshit

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I dared OP to define West by Vietnam is a place a bit far off from any definition I could jestingly come up.

Trans rights


Go full Catholic.

Learn from China.

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How about a jury, but for laws? For every law, each side explains what they think the effects will be and how it will help the public. Then the jury votes, and if it gets 60%, it passes. It puts final authority back in the people's hands. And it keeps massive money out of politics because you can't buy votes.

>How do we save the West?
By putting retards in a containment board together where they can do no harm as they suck each other's cocks.

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Attached: US-Religions2.png (991x581, 47.09K)

Prohibit and physically remove all mystic, occult and secret societies; Jews, Satanists, kabbalists, freemasons, rosicrucians etc.

Attached: Laughing remover of oriental grill products.jpg (588x834, 143.95K)

Ethno state

bomb disneyland

Not only.

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At this point, probably only a military coup to protect the Constitution, basically what happened in Turkey in 2016 only one that succeeds. Hopefully followed by hunting down every member of the so-called “elite” and publicly executing them and their entire families.

-stopping the colonisation of our countries
-stopping the degeneracy

Burn it all to the ground and start over. Make family values and loyalty to your clan number one.
Are all good answers too.

Hard reset and blood letting followed by a new religion that enstils values through parables from our current situation.

Like some kind of easily transmittable respiratory disease. Yeah that'd work.

>let niggers and shitskins die
>burn corpses and ethnic districts
>people who have covid will be quarantined outside their homes if they have a family
>autoproducing food

Aren't all those areas atheistic?

Pretty much. You're welcome to try and propose a thesis fit for Protestant mental rigor.