>Research shows how various architectural features of the historic church can be traced to Syria
>The fire also sparked my own desire to study the topic further. This time last year, I wrote about the architectural backstory of the cathedral: like all medieval Gothic cathedrals, the origins of its twin towers flanking a monumental west entrance, its pointed arches, its rose windows and its ribbed vaulting, can all be traced to the Middle East.
Notre-Dame: Secret Syrian origins of France's medieval art
>diana darke
a fucking bong is up to it again trying to destroy europe
who cares
everything is from the middle east anyways.
They can be traced to the fucking Pantheon you piece of shit.
Yeah okay Ahmed
>>Reading books written by women
Hard pass
>They can be traced to the fucking Pantheon you piece of shit.
Okay snownigger. We invented sewers and sanitation 6000 years ago, Snowniggers first buidl that shit 150 years ago in the US you ape.
Everything is from the middle east.
>islamic architecture
Lmao no such thing, it's all plagiarized from the romans, pen rsians and indians
It’s the Patreon you dumb fuck. Use your spell check, you’re embarrassing us in front of the leaves.
>We invented sewers and sanitation 6000 years ago
Citation needed
>Snowniggers first buidl that shit 150 years ago in the US
Pic related, ancient minoan civilization, had 4 story buildings and indoor plumbing 4500 years ago. They were the first to use underground clay pipes for sewerage and plumbing.
Muzzies didn't exist back then. After islam came to you you became cavemen.
The Middle East was civilized before Islam. They were very similar to europe culturally.
Islam and the Arabs, that is. The Arabs genocided most of, the previous inhabitants and replaced them. Before Mohammad, there were only a handful of ethnic Arabs.
Rather Europe was similar to them. Then a tribal warlord and his followers took over and everything went to shit, persians had to fix everything and then everything went to shit again and has stayed so for over 700 years.
>After islam came to you you became cavemen.
>They were very similar to europe culturally.
>The Arabs genocided most of, the previous inhabitants and replaced them.
>Then a tribal warlord and his followers took over and everything went to shit, persians had to fix everything and then everything went to shit again and has stayed so for over 700 years.
What kind of alternate reality does this fiction come form?
Is this what European cope looks like?
"Islamic architecture"
it's Iranian architecture that predates all abrahamic religions and predates civilization in europe
when Iran got forced into islam, their architecture spread over the islamic world and by that way into europe
Lol your greek shitskin village was 1500 years late to the party. They literally just copied Iraqis. While snowniggers took 5900 years to learn that shit
I know you want to think your descendant of phoenicians and sumerians and whatnot but it ain't true. Well, at least egyptians are mostly real eyptians despite changing their language, others not so much.
>I know you want to think your descendant of phoenicians and sumerians and whatnot but it ain't true. Well, at least egyptians are mostly real eyptians despite changing their language, others not so much.
Real history and genetic science says otherwise.
Keep coping.
Read a book snownigger, we invented those too btw.
And yes, muzzies copied everything they did from byzantines, pre-islamic persians and indians lol stay mad
We? Theres no we achmed. You have no connection to anyone 6000 years ago.
People who did anything 6000 years ago also seems smarter than menas today. It also was prior to islam which is very important to the topic. This huckster writer pretends to not know that muslims stole knowledge from those they invaded. And destroyed much info and artifacts etc. They came across. Even have a name for this called jahilya. Imagine having to go back 6000 years ago to boast, whilst sucking ass today. Every muslim nation aside from Oil ones like gulf countries, a basically 3rd world countries. This little farm country denmark which you now sit and talk your shit in. Tiny country with basically no ressources managed to be better than any muslim country on planet inspite of having next to nothing to work with.
And btw i wish you fuck off to middle east instead of abusing hospitality of very Nice people. By sitting talking shit like that from danish ip.
Muzzies didn't invent shit. That's a #FACT for you, pedo.
Not they don't, sorry mate.
Læste ikke et eneste ord.
Jahiliyya refers to pre-islamic """ignorance""" (pagan times). Rather ironic I'd say.
I know achmed, 40% of muslim world cant read or write it is a big problem. You should go help them out. I can help you pack your bags if you want.
>hides flag
>tfw even mudshits have a richer culture and history than amerimuttia
heck I think even nigger do
Precis som din "profet"
Pretty sneaky 'ganda
Yeah, and the Muslims 'stole' minarets and prayer mats and countless other things from early Christians
Who the fuck cares
>muzzies copied everything they did from byzantines, pre-islamic persians and indians lol stay mad
Keep coping. Byzantines copied everything from ancient Egyptians and Sumerians.
>Not they don't, sorry mate.
Yeah they do, keep coping faggot.
>Indeed, despite widespread images of “conversion by the sword” in popular culture, the process of Islamisation in the early period was slow, complex, and often non-violent. Forced conversion was fairly uncommon, and religious change was driven far more by factors such as intermarriage, economic self-interest, and political allegiance. Non-Muslims were generally entitled to continue practising their faiths, provided they abided by the laws of their rulers and paid special taxes. Muslim elites sometimes even discouraged conversion, for when non-Muslims embraced Islam, they no longer had to provide these taxes to the state, and thus the state’s fiscal base threatened to contract.
Not really a feat when american pseudo-culture is like 50 years old
Christians built int he middle east, the greeks built in the middle east, the romans built in the middle east. All of it predates islam. Islam copied aspects too. Minarets were indian in origin. Its all so fucking tiresome.
this is denseley based
but not for brainlets like here...