Michigan Protest

Most Recent.

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First for 2a rights

Michigan anons showed up armed and unannounced at Lansing, the MI State Capital.

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Jews created COVID-19 Let those Michigan boomers know the truth


In the last thread, someone posted a pic of Bill Gates, Larry Summers and Epstein standing together in a tiny thumbnail. Please link a larger format if you have it. Thanks anons

checks image:
>plenty of muslims and non-jews

i think you mean technocratic eugenicists

Let's get this boog on the road!

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I don't have it. Sorry.


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You retards are just going to vote Democrat in November just like you did in 2018.

Those people are the reasons nobody respects people with guns

They're just waiting to be told to go home and fuck off and park their gear in their closet again and you know what? they're going to do it.

Edgy faggots

How many of these people are going to dutifully pay their taxes, ensuring plenty of money for israel and welfare is funneled out of their communities?
How many will breathe a sigh of relief when they realize that the bank will get their mortgage?
Refusing to prop up (((the economy))) is anti-semitic!


Do not believe Biden socialist peddling bullshit. This is an overhyped fucking nothing event meant to kick people out of their jobs anf fuucking destroy the economy so they can easily sweep in some socialism. I would not be surprised if Biden is getting all his financial help from China through the WHO for this whole damn thing.

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Who's stopping you from working? Go build a roof or bake bread for supermarket.

I thought it suspicious that the Corona map by John Hopkins looked alot like the game Pandemic. Also, the event 201? Yeah.

why do trumpniggers always block the road when they protest? Good thing they voted to allow people to run them over.

Staged fed event. Stop giving it attention.

Because fuck Libtards, they deserve nothing and should not be allowed any basic rights after pulling stunts like this shit.

You have been funding Israel for decades, and now you're upset when that gets disrupted? Odd priorities.

>Who's stopping you from working?
The government. Which is why people are protesting. Are you retarded or just daft?

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Lead by example and hug a chink you fucking shill.

This is now very confusing. Trump is in charge and he's a Conservative, but his corona handling was very liberal.

Israel is a capitalist society swimming in a sea of communist terrorist breeding fucking shitholes that hates us and want us eradicated. We fund them so they can make goddamn sure that shit does not spread over here. I'll pay a jew to kill a fucking satan worshiping arab any day.

So explain your "work" to me.
Do you "work" by looking at stock graphs or do you "work" hiring illegals or do you "work" pushing accounting numbers around?

Blue state governors are doing it all their own so they can crash the economy and fuck over Trump.

Why would the biggest capitalistic Juden want to crash the economy? Doesn't makes sense to me. THEY ARE 99% OF THIS ECONOMY.

>the MIGA boomer reveals himself

slow rollin this motha fucka

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kek, I'd be salty, too, if I were assigned to shill a thread about something I knew nothing about. I'll bet this cunt doesn't even have TDS.

To usher in socialism, they have to break down the current system so they can replace it with their own. The USA is well on its way to being Venezuela 2 at this point.

Never expected so many retarded people to gather.

>Venezuela 2
thanks to republuicans who hate government aka the american way of capitalism.

crony capitalism is TRUMPISM

So you are on your way to become a capitalistic country? You are already one and private market owns everything, if all financial numbers drop to 0, they are still owners, therefore decision makers. The only sweating people are those bottom feeders who rely investing into Jewish stocks to get pieces of cash every time Jewish company hires more illegals. That's why you invest.

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Nice try bluewave faggot, it's all the democrats in blue states doing it. They are the ones banning everyone leaving their homes, they are the ones closing up every place of business, and they are the ones taking advantage of a made up crisis event to pass even stricter laws on populations

How many Americans know the laws or follow Senate discussions? You would do nothing if they passed laws like you claim they do now.

When Jesus shows up again he is going ton wonder just why in the fuck your heathen ass actively decided to forsake his nation and you are doing to be (literally) damn sorry you wanted to back and support actual satan worshiping arabs who want nothing more than to kill you. Have fun spending eternity right next to them snowflake faggot

Everyone over 12 is a boomer.

Jews literally worship Satan

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Exactly, since over 12 it more or less equal in USA to go to hospital for corona virus, you are just less likely to die if you are under 50.

These people have been funding Israel for decades, and now they are upset when the system enabling this is disrupted. Why?

Honestly don't care, jews are the mouthpiece of Satan in almost all levels of modern media. It's Israel that is necessary to continue existing for the coming end times. They will be tossed into hell right next to the fags, trannys, arabs, and idol worshipers too.