Why is Germany doing so well compared to burgerland Yas Forums?
Why is Germany doing so well compared to burgerland Yas Forums?
Because it's cooking up numbers. Anyway, in my view countries of Mitteleuropa surprisingly handled this crisis best. Countries like Bohemia, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and Germany I hope.
Because they don't suffer from"little Hitler syndrome" and they aren't doctoring numbers.
Because they lie about actual cause of death
You beat me by seconds. kudos.
by assuming that the danger of this pandemic is as real as worst case possible scenario
>faking the numbers
Trump is an idiot and every country is mad America propaganda and his people are dying
6 days he would still be be saying it just the flu let the Iranians in with the covid 19 I blame China
NYC antibody shows the corvid 19 came from Iran but the president Donald Trump is covering it up.
No world power is buying his bull shit
All he is doing is gaslighting and his people Americans are dying
I know you wish that.
If I were to always assume the "worst case scenario", I would've used a condom..when I fucked your mom.
Hong Kong has low numbers
Taiwan has low numbers
No one is cooking numbers
American leader is just ignorant
Are we ?
They have less deaths then on a normal day
America need to open up.
Please edit this post. It’s impossible to understand what you are trying to say and I really want to know.
Thank you
Literally half of the US cases and deaths are from one city.
connadians are at full shill mode these hours
Low number of Chinese people, low population density and that testing autism
No. Hong Kong and Taiwan are indoctrinated to blindly follow orders. True Americans rebel. An unjust law isn't a law that needs to be obeyed.
America is unhealthy and fat
Bitch, you Krautfucks literally INVENTED the Hamburger, you fat slab of stinking hogmeat.
Why does the US have multiple military bases in your country, and Germany has none in the US. Oh, that's right -- you're a conquered people -- that's why a childless female Stasi agent RULES your ass.
German has a high education level not like America school where it’s mostly propaganda
America doesn’t have any good science or math just milking the old things they achieved
Fat cunts can't breathe.
You fought too?
>German has a high education level not like America school where it’s mostly propaganda
You high? You sound like you are fucking high.
and your mom charges half price these hours, so it's all good.
American brain drain
Don’t worry Canada Trump will start a war and Americans will be caravans to Canada
We have more niggers too.
They tested more than others. Their test kits are more accurate than those chink shits.
Because burgerland is run by Jews which want you to go sacrifice yourself to Mol- the big line and stonks. Germanistan by authoritarian leftists who are good at shutting everything down. Germans also follow orders, burgers are niggers, beaners or obese, stubborn boomers all of which are terrible at that.
No we suffer from Hitler and AUSCHWITZ snydrome
Look at this ESL bait post by some fat virgin with a minecraft shirt on.
Germans are cucks to authority so they actually follow government guidelines. My could have been out of quarantine last week. But no one wants to follow the fucking plan. Some dumb nigger will always go out and start a new cluster because "too fucking bored at home m8"
>us military
I think youre conflating israel and usa, mutt, not that theres much difference
There is no mor Nazis the only Nazis are in America
Maybe that’s America’s problem you have Hitler as a leader and America is spiraling down fast
I've seen more rainbow flags flown in your country than stars and stripes. You should sit down and stfu.
Because we're a POLIZEISTAAT, if you go to the park to sit on a bench with one (1) person, they drive up to you (retards are literally plowing through parks in vans) and start questioning and basically pestering you to fuck off back home separately.
Because New York is a festering shithole.
What is ESL ?
Wash your hands Pilot
Because the USA is made of the european scum and the african elites.
Hope the chink virus wipes those fuckers out.
because its fucking small you pea brain faggot
>Some dumb nigger will always go out and start a new cluster
Two more weeks right bro?
Two more weeks and the second wave will hit right?
Germany is using creative bookkeeping regarding virus deaths.
because social distancing is just our way of life
Is that why we are going back to work soon ?
Seems like Government timing