Why is everything getting uglier?

Why is everything getting uglier?

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less time for roleplay, since most of this shit is just pure roleplay.

Jews. They love ugliness because it matches their essence


Industrial society

IKEA became the identity of swedes

Date a ugly chick then.

Jews and the dumb ass Atheist or Protestant whites who are essentially jews also at this point.

bingo! machines make things best when they're straight lines

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easier to want to revolt if the king is on a golden throne

>Why is everything getting uglier?
>Pic related

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Yes. Everything is devolving, just like jews want it.

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It really does seem that way; with architecture, people, fashion. There's so much hideous shit.

Parliament used to have real power.
Now, Parliament just says yes to all banking family decisions.
So of course Parliament doesn't get a nice office. The banking families do.

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European culture and identity is being erased.

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Because the whites who built these things are dead and the kikes have their money now.

You could do the same with the Roman Empire after his fall, it literally became Scandinavia with Crosses instead of dead goats.

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Do you let IKEA design your buildings, too?

Real answer, democracy+capitalism. No one plans more than at most 20 years ahead. Mostly they plan 4 years ahead. They have to get as much done as possible as cheap as possible so they’ll get reelected. Spending time and money on beautiful things would only piss off the plebs.
>why you make pillar of gold when all I want is gibs

and the massive increase in labor cost
having dudes hand carve molds and mantles would be the budget of many government programs, they have to fill their coffers after all

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shitskin storage units

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checked and true.

Slave pods for the new elite's brown hordes.

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Beauty is fascist

I've just quit my job and started training as an architect. Might be the dumbest decision of my life by fuck it. I feel like an infiltrator but we can change things.

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posting in based thread

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Based, I'm studying architecture as well. We can save beauty!

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Beauty can't exist without God.


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Read Guenon and then Evola

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