My husband and I have been married for 12 years. He’s the absolute love of my life

>My husband and I have been married for 12 years. He’s the absolute love of my life.
>We have one daughter together, and up until about three years ago, I thought I had the life I’d always wanted. But recently, I started developing different desires sexually.
>I don’t know if porn is to blame, but a few videos awoke a desire to be treated in, a sluttier, naughtier way.
>Sometimes you don’t want to make love. You want to be fucked.
>But it’s hard for any man, especially one who I'd often make love to once or twice a week anyway, to all of a sudden learn how to fuck me the way I wanted to be fucked. He’s loving, and sweet. He didn’t want to spank or choke the mother of his child the way I wanted him to.
>And while I was defeated, I understood: It really isn’t fair to expect him to change who he is because my sexual needs evolved.
>Then, a year ago, I decided to downloadAshley Madison, a website that connects people with others seeking affairs.
>And upon downloading, I was absolutely enthralled. I spent six weeks talking to more than 100 different suitors, literally. The first affair happened in a booked hotel room.
>From there, I just kept meeting so many hot men. If I wanted to make someone fuck me like a nasty little slut, I could. If I wanted to go to a sex club, I could. But then… coronavirus hit.
>I am used to meeting up with men whenever I want to. But since the global pandemic, I’ve had to take my sexual needs virtual: phone sex, video sex, sexting... sometimes when my husband is still in the house.


I thought you people were insane for hating women at first, but i'm starting to see where you're coming from. Why the fuck do people like this exist and, more importantly, how can i make sure my future fiancé won't suddenly turn into a subhuman voyeuristic sociopath 9 years into our marriage?

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Other urls found in this thread:

All women are whores and should rightfully be locked in cages when not performing domestic duties

>So when all of this is over, and I can go out and meet up with the men I’m speaking with now, I’ll absolutely do it. But before you think I’m a monster, know this: I decided that between the risk of being unfulfilled the rest of my life or stepping outside my marriage for what I wanted, the latter was the better option. And I won’t feel guilty for it. My affairs are about me, and only me—they have nothing to do with my husband. I love him, but maybe it’s unrealistic of me to expect him to be all the things I need in every facet of my life: emotionally, physically, mentally, etc. I need something more, and I know exactly how to get it—so I will.
American women sound more and more like potent telephone pole decoration


we just have to acknowledge this honestly, it's not bad but it's just the truth majority of them are the tiny percent that aren't whores.

Things that totally happened.

sounds like a guy wrote this to project his sexual fantasies

you're low IQ and are literally falling for a marketing gimmick.

You could try talking to your husband and lover. He's probably just as bored as you.


it's in cosmo

This is the thing: in modern society this is more than realistic.

Yeah this is an infomercial. That site is nothing but men. No women use it. But if it is real this woman should be beheaded.

honestly this way to power fantasy

It's not just women, men are turning into shit too. Probably going to get hate for this but it's true, everyone is turning into egocentric pos

Things that a fat lonely woman wrote for Clout for 500

I hate what the Jew has done to western women so much.

>No women use it.
It's an escort site, you ass. Escorts are women (at least, by modern definitions).

by not marrying in a materialistic society

Remember, almost everything you learned in school and see on television is specifically designed to make you see women in a positive light.

That's only necessary because women viewed without propaganda inspire hate.

>Literal propaganda of the sausage fest known as Ashley Madison
>Still online for some weird reason

this is fake as shit. you'd be hard pressed to find a guy who wouldn't want to have some fun treating his woman like a slut every now and again.

Trust me, i wouldn't believe this either if i did not consider the fact that i have heard similar stories from many people over not that many years. This does happen undoubtedly, it's merely the frequency that's in question. Then you consider that things such as cheating does not legally affect a person's custody rights, divorce and distrust between parents wrecking families, the rates at which women cheat have risen considerably over the last 30 years when compared to those of men, and you can probably deduce how a problem is forming right before your eyes.

>how can i make sure my future fiancé won't suddenly turn into a subhuman voyeuristic sociopath 9 years into our marriage?
Ya. You probably should start getting used to the idea of sucking dick and getting corn-holed.

Doesn't infidelity essentially make her forfeit her rights to the kids and any possessions?

i have the opposite problem with my wife. we have kinky rough sex a lot so im always ready to go hard and rough then she'll sometimes say its OK to just make love too. nah not going to happen. she unleashed the beast

That's fair. But why? I can't even imagine the hellscape me and my children will have to endure even just to have a decent chance of not marrying a whore.

>>I don’t know if porn is to blame
It is.

that's completely realistic.

This "article" is an advertisement for Ashley Madison.

She should pay alimony... after getting thrown out on the street.

I've known of much stranger stories than this that ended up being real. Even if this one story isn't, you have to consider that many more like it are.

My wife begs me to stop because my sex drive is through the roof and hers has gone down considerably after having 2 kids. I can go for hours, she can barely make 5 minutes. It's sad, really... :(

>as told to
How convenient.
This is fiction.

>I love my husband that's why I want to hurt him

Not unless the kid sees her and some dudebro fucking, i don't think. I could be wrong on this one though.

Thoroughly agreed, finnbro.

fake and gay, cosmo ad for ashley madison

Either fiction or the writer's own words. Perhaps a friend of hers asked for it to be published anonymously. Who knows. Again, even if this story is fake, there are stories like it that are true.

It’s very simple actually, fuck her like she wants to be fucked

Nope! The law is clear: infidelity is good. Cuckolding is great. Spreading STDs is funny.

Bring back stoning as per the Bible.

Unfortunately that's not happening, women refuse to compromise their "needs" while expecting men to compromise more. There's a point where literal Nazism is more moral than the average American woman, and it seems we passed that point about 6 years ago

Makes sense, fuck media.

I don't know about you, but I know that if I left my wife all my possessions, she would not have them anymore within a year, and I would quit my job and become a monk so no alimony or child support.

Fuck I meant to reply to this:

I regret I never find such a woman to beat the shit out of her till I let her without teeth and some ribs without feeling bad afterwards ooooooffff

We're way, way past that. Nazism is the truth at this point.

>I don’t know if porn is to blame

You need to discipline her.

>how can i make sure my future fiancé won't suddenly turn into a subhuman voyeuristic sociopath 9 years into our marriage?

you cant.

and you wonder why men are going their own way

Nice Blackpill.

Cosmo is owned by Hearst publications.

Their CEO is (((Steven Swartz))).

How many "single time"s is this now?
Is it "Every"?

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>Ashley Madison

Yeah this didn't happen

>He didn’t want to spank or choke the mother of his child the way I wanted him to.

Imagine not spanking or choking or acting a rape to your woman


>He didn’t want to spank or choke the mother of his child the way I wanted him to.
I don't believe this, my gut says this is an excuse to act like a whore. Communicating what you like sexually is relationship 101 shit

So Cosmo is basically like the Penthouse letters section for fiction. Women are children.

Attached: femacyst.png (500x520, 132.49K)

Her husband will probably suspect something's up when he contracts an STD.

So, are your mom and your sister whores too? Or that only applies to other people's women?

>nothing bad is true
You're basically my mom.

This is from that rag Cosmopolitan magazine:

Taylor Andrews:

Typical female brain-hamstering to justify sluttiness, hedonism and rejection of responsibility.

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>The featured article on the same site is about how men are pigs for cheating

Im done.
Lets find the Guy in question and notify him. No man deserves this.

Yeah, we are picturing a thin hot woman.

9 times out of 10 we are talking about an ugly hambeast. The kind that openly call themselves "Poly."

You have no idea what kind of guilt feminism has inflicted on most men in regards to their sexual desires. Clearly some women suffer from it as well.

>you'd be hard pressed to find a guy who wouldn't want to have some fun treating his woman like a slut every now and again.

Some men may have just been brought up very traditionally and were taught to treat their wives with respect and love. Its naiive as fuck, but you cant really blame him.

I think you are underestimating how much guilt men have been made to feel about their sexual desires because of feminism. These are the guys who say “make love”instead of “fuck” when talking about sex with their wives or girlfriends.

i dumped my gf before the quarantine because we didn't fuck for a month, and i felt like it was going to go on longer, was i in the right?

You know what’s fun?

This kind of propaganda starts from the USA and then travels to us in Europe and on, always ALWAYS targeting women and their media.

Every single time.

There’s this tv channel on Italian tv called Real Time which is of course part of the discovery channel group (American) and this channel broadcast straight American degenerate programs or their Italian version of the same format so that our people can get their propaganda the same way but watching familiar people in familiar places and hear them in Italian, so in their head it’s an Italian product not an American trash tv reality.

My mother watches one of the latter where 3 judges (a professional cook, a “good manners” expert and an interior design expert) are invited to dinner at two different houses and they judge the house, the food, etc..

It’s harmless, really, right? No.

In this fucking show the couples are 8 times out of 10 HOMOSEXUALS, women or men, and what’s worse is that these people always live in Milan or some big city and it’s clear that they always pick these degenerates. During the evening they always tell about their marriage and other leftist propaganda bullshit...

I’m redpilled so I don’t count but my father noticed some patterns too and in the end he turned out redpilled because I explained him what happens and how recognise the same patterns in other media, my mother noticed too but she doesn’t care. My sister watches Netflix 24/7 so nothing would work with her but a savage beating.

Death to the fucking USA.

Sorry Ameribros.


Absolutely and utterly based. Women should only be let out of their cages with a leash on.

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That's so clearly made-up and written by a man. You should understand that you are the target audience for these articles. Their point is to enrage and make you link them around in disgust, generating page views.

Maybe Islam was right about women...

I'm with you on that, but it's impossible with the info given.

Like come on, read that shit:
>He hears my muffled moans from a static iPhone echo. I can hear his lips form into a sly grin when he greets me with an unexpected, but familiar buzzing that withers me toward deeper breaths. (We've recently invested in a Bluetooth-enabled sex toy that he has the ability to control from a distance). I smile.

Hearing a grin?

A bluetooth sex toy?

Total fucking bullshit.