It was supposed to be a satire not a goddamn manual
It was supposed to be a satire not a goddamn manual
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dude satire is reality showed in the way that will not make you cry
People who make comparisons with this movie are just as cringy as those who make 1984 comparisons.
Brawndo when?
it unironically is about simp faggots like you who consider yourself smarter and better than your fellow man despite being a completely useless sack of shit. Where has your pride and ability lead you? what great accomplishments do you have to boast?
Based and not-a-complete-fucking-idiot-pilled.
good movie but no
That's what they said about 1984.
you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
based and lexuspilled
>It was supposed to be a satire not a goddamn manual
The only fiction that turned into a documentary.
Funny, isn't it?
My first wife was tarded, she's a pilot now
Now go watch Bulworth, Dark City, and The Island starring Ewan McGregor.
President Camacho when?
was it?
t. npc
It's dead on tho
Dark City is based.
>President Camacho
Would have been cooler than that nigger Obama.
Blame the education system.
Ur the cringy on retard
why you adopted this shity prusian system? It was forced on us during the partitions. what is your excuse?
>That flag
>That movie
Your entire island is the definition of that movie.
not enough nepotism in this clip but 2016 would be the when
If you were smarter you would figure out PR is a nanocosm of the US
You mean if the usa on average was 85% race mixed and 10iq points lower on average?
Nice plebbit / facebook tier humor faggot. You have to go back
Idiocracy is "What if America was Africa? But you know, without Africans".
This movie is incredibly overrated.