>there are people right now who don't think covid was a chink bioweapon targeted at the US
There are people right now who don't think covid was a chink bioweapon targeted at the US
The purpose was always about clearing africa of niggers. Do you not understand yet that EVERYONE has the virus at this point? It has been in America since November.
>there are people right now who don't think covid was a chink bioweapon targeted at the US
That's because some people are stupid
>The purpose was always about clearing africa of niggers
This makes no sense. Without Africans to exploit for slave labor China's ability to rapidly scale into Africa will be limited.
Not saying they won't eventually, after development is complete, but to do so at this point is foolish.
I dont think it was. I think it was a weapon they failed to contain and it got loose. To avoid a complete and total blockade of their country they downplayed the effects, bribed the WHO and sent nationals all over the world to infect others for months. Now that it is a "Global" thing they can keep their trade flowing and save face. Try to shift blame if possible.
There is no point to unwilling slaves beyond the industrial revolution. They become a net drain.
China has plenty of willing slaves from their own populace who have been brought up from birth to work and die for the CCP.
I don't disagree, my point is that they're not at a point where enough critical systems have been developed to support a large Chinese population, who, while not First World by any means, are pretty far removed from Africa standards of living.
Again, I don't doubt the chinks will eventually genocide the natives, just doing so now seems premature and set their conquest of the continent back a decade.
I see 3 possibilities:
1. Chinese bioweapon
2. Natural virus that was deliberately leaked
3. Natural virus that accidentally leaked but China deliberately spread internationally once they realized they couldn't contain it and that they could benefit from a pause in the HK protests and the trade war (that they were losing bigly) with the US.
I personally think #3 is the most likely option.
>tv star turned unprecedented can't handle the common cold