Capital One says it's going to take MONTHS to distribute Trumpbux.
Why are they holding it?
Capital One holding Trumpbux
>those who qualify
Because they want it as payments for debts like credit card debts?
They're so full of shit.
They're not withholding the payment you retard they're just relating that the IRS is going to take months to process all the checks
Because they have no reserves.
Pump #BankRunCapitalOne to show those kikes what for.
i feel like there's a reason this is happening...but i cant put my finger on it...
>to reach all
Work on your reading comprehension.
Looks like they have (((technical))) difficulties
got mine today lmao, local credit unions are the only way to go. Now just waiting for my 3200 in backpay from unemployment later this week.
>the IRS is going to take months to process all the checks
Yes and its not supposed to be used to pay debts its supposed to be used as aide for families struggling to get by.
They're paying their celebshit spokespeople first
>Why are they holding it?
Haha losers I got mine
Yeah, the B had a brief outage but it was fixed a half hour later with both my checks showing.
I suspect that’s because Credit Unions process and deposits electronic payments IMMEDIATELY instead of sitting on them overnight
They get to collect interest while they hold it, probably.
Clear your notifications you animal
what's in your wallet?
Cheers bud enjoy
Wait...I'm confused. What part of anything does Capital One have to do with the stimulus checks? Are they actually going to try to intercept the checks if they're deposited into their customers' accounts? Because that's how you get people burning down Capital One branches.
Got mine today too, $3400
nice shoop nigga
They're withholding payments to accounts in order to process them which they stated could take months.
They’re the type of company that produces interest. But I wonder if they’ll have to pay it out to the person the check was issued to.
But capital one’s standard interest rates for people who make late payments are 30% APY
Hopefully we hold them to their own standards and practices.
Zero reason to do this. I literally received my Trump bucks today via direct deposit. The banks have nothing to do in this, just allow the IRS to deposit the money.
No. Literally everyone I know received a direct deposit today. Literally EVERYONE.
Your receipt XD
>8$ paycheck
>6k to only fans
Why do you think the IRS and the banks wanted as many people as possible to give their direct deposit info away for disbursement of funds? Of course (((they're))) going to seize funds from delinquent accounts.
t. patiently waiting for a check
Hel-LO class action lawsuit. Holy shit.
That's exactly what it sounds like they're doing. Capital One is probably one of the most jewy banks out there. Right up there with Citi, Chase and Wells Fargo.
You kinda deserve it if you bank with any of these companies imo.
>Because they have no reserves
Scary if true
Yeah. Love my local three-branch community bank that has existed in its current form since the 1890s.
Jews are so fucking pissed about everyone getting funny money for free.
The longer they delay payments the longer they can collect interest on the billions? This is bullshit like any other banker bullshit. They want to collect as much interest money as possible. Should have written in provision that the money be dispersed IMMEDIATELY and any interest collected past a certain amount be returned to the gov. They can keep some of it for their "work". The gov needs to hire someone as shysty as the fucking bankers and can cut the devious assholes off at the pass.
So they look like they have more cash in their reserves for next quarter. They are also probably going to invest their money so they can recover from their stonks
I don't know exactly, but I would bet that the answer could be solved by looking at the CEO and who supports them both on an investor and a political level. It could very well be a ploy to try and damage people's perspective of Trumpbucks by hamstringing the process the whole way through. Not many people are bright enough to use credit unions and they still trust banks that ultimately are in bed with the enemy in most cases.
Stimulus + unemployment made me 3,200 bucks this week alone. I hope this virus last another 6 months so I can save up enough shekels to build a solid portfolio, then it's smooth sailing from there. I hope Tedros Adhanom receives a shotgun blast to the face.
Sounds like the major banks are fucking with the process intentionally for some reason
>only fans -$6100
Good goy
Inb4 Trump seizes another thing
hell yeah credit unions. my unions website was a bit slow this morning but they processed the direct deposit no problem.
imagine being a fucking cuck who uses chase/capital one/etc and PAYS to have a bank account
i got mine direct deposit this morning
oy vey
>its not supposed to be used to pay debts
Says who? Was this language in the bill?
Good job on that security net of $7000, user. I'm proud of you.
I use capital one and I got my check deposited no fuss yesterday for the full 1200.
However, I'm still pissed at this bank for apparently blocking access to bitcoin exchanges. I was planning on using my day off today to finally invest some crypto but got cockblocked and now I have to wait a few days to manually set things up.
Yeah people who have direct deposit from the IRS set up with tax records going back to 2018, they need to print actual checks for the people who don't and that's going to take months
One hour ago:
Glad I use a local bank that only has branches in my state