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He's right you know

How about
it also saves money and TP

This and alcohol consumption are why the (((quarantine))) are completely stupid.

Indeed. I hope the places forbidding exercising outdoors get armed insurrection.

I've been training this whole time in the event I might need to prove what I would do for a klondike bar.

Fuck hambeasts begging to go play at the park. How about this shit won't fly come the 4th of july.

We want to go outside and have fun.

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Just a few more months until we're all soft enough for an easy-but-deadly beatdown inside our own homes. You know, to make sure we are saving lives.

Imagine living in a fascist shithole state that won't even let you fucking go outside. Been playing golf/cycling/driving around all this time.

The stores also have plenty of toilet paper around here :^)

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> average person uses 1 roll per day
What do you eat, dude? Pure oil?

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
what are people eating?

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Can't workout from their own home shameful


Don’t fuck with my gains you frail faggot


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Yeah, I feel bad for the folks that cant even go out and stretch their legs without getting hassled.
It's pretty normal out here for the most part, waiting for the gym to open back up though.

I’ve lost 145 lbs in the last 7-8 months (sadly 30-35 lbs was muscle) and I refuse to stop exercising, I will keep going on my runs until I’m at that 15 percent body fat to start my 5x5 and have stacys mirin’.
Fuck Jannies, Kikes, Niggers and the Coronavirus

>not staying fit by doing an hour of beat saber every day
Feel bad for you.

Obesity is why universal healthcare is too expensive.

Working out helps, but the key is diet. Eat less, and also eat less grains, processed foods, and sugar. Focus on meats, vegetables, and certain fruits and cheeses

You'll be fat again one day

>goal is 15% bf
He'll never not be fat.

Or, you could control your compulsion to eat when you don't actually need to, and then exercise in your home? Calories in -- calories out. Shit is not rocket science. Fat people just use sugar like heroin addicts use heroin. It's just a dopamine chase. Self-control. Put down the fork. Put down the pop tarts. Drink something that's known to help control appetite like coffee. Smokey the Bear says, "Only you can prevent you being a fat ass."

exercising is fucking negligible when it comes to how much calories you burn. the only way to loose weight is to put the fork down


Fuck off niggerleaf. No food = No gainz.

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That's why I'm doing lots of excersises with my ammo cans at home. Not the best but better than nothing.

>language policing buzzterms to steer people's emotional reactions to it when wanting to avoid being fat and unhealthy, which often leads to diabetes, is a normal thing for a person to do so they don't have to rely on others as they get older
If you survive the diabetes, I can already tell that one day you're going to be mouthing off to a caregiver that's tired of wiping your fat ass, and he or she is just going to smother you in your sleep.

British data shows fat people massively outnumber smokers and even LUNG CANCER patients in admissions.

This virus is amazing. Its btfo of 90% of liberal ideals. We found out 50% of the well paid work force are less valuable than shelf stackers and truck drivers, we now know there is no "Healthy At Any Size".

Obviously eat less and healthier. But exercising in your home isn't necessarily enough when your trying to kick start your metabolism and start burning fat after being mostly sedentary for years. Cardio is really important towards that end and it isn't easy to get in in a small, confined space. You aren't really doing much towards burning calories with just basic calisthenics. Good for building muscle to help with the cardio, though.

Health is a social construct, fatophobe.

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day
You're not supposed to eat it.

So, this is 100% reposted comment. How does this happen?

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Well done. Good way to utilize what you have in a beneficial way, user. I'm proud of you.
You really seized upon just one portion of my post and even tried to repaint the situation as if I didn't cover the caloric balance factor, and while doing so, you made it seem like my focus was on just calisthenics when I didn't even mention that specifically.
The key is to reach keto, but fat people generally consume more carbs and corn syrup and sweeteners derived from it than most other people do, so they typically don't ever reach keto. Keto plus intermittent fasting = "How the fuck did I just lose ten pounds in a couple days this fast? Holy shit."

Lads, I'm full of chocolate eggs and ive had a tickly cough from this morning