What's up with anonymous?

This is the perfect time to start hacking and uncovering shit before things get worse. Where are they? Were they just all talk?

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Get fucked glownigger.

They're faggots.

>This is the perfect time to start hacking and uncovering shit before things get worse. Where are they? Were they just all talk?
Protip: Anonymous is just random Yas Forums dudes who are pretending to be part of an organization for fun

It's people like you that caused them to fade

Guy Fawkes was a man that worked with Jesuits to try to kill King James and destroy Parliament right after King James ordered the Bible to be written in English so that people could legally read it.
They wanted the Catholics to have total power over peoples lives without them being able to know any better.
The entire anonymous thing was an obvious psyop aimed at people that didn't know better
This board is for adults

There’s no organization anymore..
and too many autistic faggots who’d rather think about themselves and their own popularity.

>Protip: Anonymous is just random Yas Forums dudes who are pretending to be part of an organization for fun
Until the name got co-opted by OWS libshits

It was always a LARP and not anything resembling an actual organization

>before things get worse.

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There's the answer

The real Anonymous has always been the hivemind of Yas Forums. The "Anonymous" organization is a joke however and is either dead or irrelevant today.

Last time I checked, Anonymous was not a group, but rather an idea. Ideas are BULLET PROOF....

last i heard, anonymous is now the Feds and a CIA honeypot

Uhhh no. They used to hang on Yas Forums. Perhaps some still do. Too many of you stupid Gen Z asshats know nothing about Yas Forums when it first started.

>Before things get worse
It's also hilarious to me that a lot of people who ask this question never connected to hackers on steroids

>last i heard, anonymous is now the Feds and a CIA honeypot

Yeah, source is "I heard."

Well, if they revealed themselves, would they really be "ANONYMOUS?"

Source is all the fucking hackers that went down for various shit while you had your head shoved up your fucking ass not giving a god damn fuck. It's dead cause the feds infiltrated and fucking killed it you giant cucklord faggot. Paypal 16, Jeremy Hammond, barrett brown and countless others arrested or flipped. The feds killed you semen chugging double nigger faggot, nobody trusts each other anymore so the group is dead. Unless you're apart of some backwater hacker team it's not coming back anytime soon either.
Fuck glowniggers and fuck you

Anonymous was never and has never been a group. Groups have been formed from anonymous, some of them notorious. Anonymous is just a wonderful, terrible, genius, stupid as fuck mess of people and some times enough of us agree with each other and form a group.

Odds are high that a few hackers were recruited by the NSA if they weren't already working for the NSA to start with.

Guy Fawkes is just a metaphor. It is not taken literally.

Oh, so they caught all of the ones who fucked up? Where are the others?

>you semen chugging double nigger faggot,

*YAWN* ad hominem fallacy

>Where are the others
Avoiding the glowniggers

They were indeed all just talk. And a psyop

Anyone getting into an IRC server with the intent to commit computer crimes is asking for a knock on the door from the fucking glowniggers. The age is over, it's lone wolf attacks from now on.

the actual capable autists moved on from Yas Forums and either got hired by the NSA, Google, or went freelance on the deepweb and are probably doing a lot of the crypto hacks and ransomware

Absolutely illuminated. Just like those "protests". Enjoy your bat fluid lung.

Pretty much this.
I went gray hat myself and mostly do pentests are major companies now.
The money is there to be a "good guy" but the money for actually committing crimes is still better.

>This is the perfect time to start hacking
all the information is already out there for free, hacking isn't even needed.

Kek, well perhaps that is why the term "Anonymous" applies here right? The ones who got caught obviously weren't very smart. Of course, if you keep fucking up and breaking the law, you are bound to make a mistake eventually. Not everyone in anonymous is a criminal. As once stated, it is an idea. So, anonymous still lives, but they are either really good black hats, or they are grey/white hats. Or, maybe they are just hacktivists who believe in the same cause that a lot of normal people believe in.

Did you miss the zWarDialer zoom attacks?

Anonymous was never an "organization". Attempts to form an organization based on the idea have always and will always fail. Col Keuster at US Army War College wrote a paper citing Anonymous as "grey zone conflict" actors which is partially true but lacks depth of insight about the true purpose of the idea.
In short, the idea centers around government being accountable to the people who fund it. A politician who swears an oath to protect and defend the constitution must be held to account and constantly monitored by the people. To do this effectively the people must know basic civics, constitutional law and the maxims of law. Sadly, it's tl;dr for most.
The point of hacktivism was to expose corruption within this context when and where governments refused to comply with the limitations of their various constitutions.
When Soros compromised Anonymous with the sad, misguided OWS movement the fame went to their heads and they lost the vision.

>he fell for the ananamas mem

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Imagine not knowing it's been comped by glowies since 2010

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Pretty much what he said.
>Where are the others?
Having fun with DEFCON.

This. It's transformed into open source research and citizen journalism. Quite a refreshing change, IMO.

Well, that depends on the skill level. "Durrr I know how to DDoS." I mean that shit is too easy. I wouldn't even call DDoS "hacking." HOIC is a tool that will do most of the work for you. The NSA does not hire script kiddies.

just go to the jewtube channel

>Not very smart
>Some dumb nigger named Sabu flipped and out'd all of lulzsec
Hammond was actually quite smart he used 3 nicks and kept them rotating, he slipped up a few times which we all learned from.
I don't really want to talk about this shit with people that were never there cause they act like naive retards.
So much fucking social engineering went into catching some of these people.
OPSEC is currently in play cause of shit we saw while the feds were in the channel.
Why do you think the fucking "In minecraft" meme took off so hard

tongue my anus basement dweller
you're nothing but antifas with internet and too much free time


The core was infiltrated and felt apart. No one knows who can be trusted anymore.

newfags will never know....

>mfw newfags took Yas Forums shitposting creed and retconned a shitty fake organization from it.
Absolutely pathetic

right but that's why I said "capable." there were plenty of actual capable Anons here in the mid-late 2000s with real skills that are probably long gone

Well, now that makes a lot more sense. Then again, if they revealed their true identity to another, that sort of takes away the "Anonymous" factor. To be anonymous means exactly what it says.

Sure. I can see them working for the feds.

Nobody revealed who they were fagballs. Various people talked about various things in their day to day life that lead to the feds catching them.Thus what I said before, heavy social engineering went into catching these people.
Social engineering is one of the greatest assets the feds have and they abused the fucking shit out of it to catch people within Anonymous.

Kek.. Someone from the African Continent calls a white man "nigger." If you are using a proxy, you might want to change it. That's some funny shit there.

Well, social engineering is basic shit. If you are too fucking dumb to notice these scams, then you deserve to go down.

You're such a fucking bot this isn't even worth discussing with you, you understand absolutely nothing about social engineering.

Here's an idea: DON'T BREAK THE FUCKING LAW....

Suck my cock, dude

Oh I know a fuck ton more than you think fucktard. You seemed to be triggered.

>t. newfag

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Who’s running that shitty youtube channel?

Script Kiddies?

This exactly