Name 5 AOC policies you disagree with.
Name 5 AOC policies you disagree with
I fap to her because she's pretty.
I hate her because she's a retard.
she looks like a fucking donkey
1. her wearing a shirt
2. her smiling
3. her not being white
4. i don't know
5. i kind of like amazon
All of them
1. Not showing off her giant milkers enough.
2. Not casually pressing her giant milkers together with her forearms while giving a speech.
3. No nudes showing off her giant milkers.
4. Not drooling my cum and letting it slowly drip and slide down over her giant milkers.
5. Not taking part in a live 100-man bukkake to raise money to fight against unemployment caused by COVID-19.
I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Does she even have 5?
No cheeckbones a retrusive maxilla and shitty orbitals. Would still make love to her any day, but she's not pretty.
She's completely insane on all accounts but if she manages to keep the fire rising on Sleepy Joe's MeToo shit I will forgive her for everything.
Her breathing is the number one thing I dislike about her. Followed closely by her being in this country.
she's fuckin' hideous
AOC doesn't have any policies
Non whites aren't actually intelligent enough to hold political belifies
lel top kek
If she looked like this I could see her point
Only if you have a baby dick
She's not pretty, wtf. Yuck.
Who the hell takes her seriously enough to hate her?
>this is considered pretty in america
i feel sorry for you guys
>t. Juan Hernandez
I don't know. She is pretty fucking ugly without her red lipstick gimmick.
1 hating whites
2 hating men
3 hating americans
4 hating trump
5 being female
You MUST check your T levels friend. Seriously. It could be the reason for your lack of sex drive and ambition. Are you tired all the time too? Please friend, you MUST check your T levels.
I'd fuck her. She looks like she would be a pleasant lay and i want to squeeze her yamyams.
>looking at her face
Free healthcare for everyone
Free college for everyone
Universal suffrage
Open borders
Drivers licenses for illegals
AOC is the most attractive female in Congress
She has a point
Finally she does not think the Right is all Nazi's.
Because that is far from blond hair with Blue eyes
Dude she has no maxilla. Bad genes.
She has the teeth of a donkey.
She has phenomenal tits.
It looks like her hair smells good.
She's dumber than a bag of hammers.
She looks like she needs anal in order to orgasm.
7.6/10 would bang.
>nostrils as wide as my mouth
>pretty, they said
meh i have a maid fetish so it works for me sensu
1. Everything is racist
I love idiot narcissists. Particularly in the field of the arts, like Cory Feldman, Niel Breen, the list goes on. As for OP's question;
>open borders
>the green new deal
>medicare for all
>70% real tax rates
I'm kind of on the fence about $15 dollar minimum wage, but that's just because the dollar has lost so much. I'll disagree there too.
1) Green New Deal advocate that wants to completely reorganize the economy from the top down, give a jobs guarantee program, and rebuild every single house in the country
2) Wants to eliminate ICE and let the southern border be a free for all so the Democratic party gets more Hispanic constituents
3) Wants to give all illegal immigrants free and unfettered access to health care
4) Wants to overturn TCJA and make me pay more in taxes to subsidize her programs
5) Wants to remove guns
her cuntiness policy
kelly loefler blows her out of the water though.
I have a Latina fetish
>sanpaku eyes
Pick one
medicare for all
dismantling ice and cbp
free college
free everything for illegals
>because I’m pretty
Nah she is too post wall
>1) Green New Deal advocate that wants to completely reorganize the economy
To be fair, the economy is clearly fucked. Look what happened in 2008 and from a pandemic. We need to do something different. Obviously not her stupid "New Green Deal", but things need to change.
>sanpaku eyes and nostrils as wide as her mouth
Pick one
I'm against her policy of not gettin on my cack
Seethe hard in denial , trump incels
>we need to do something different
End the federal reserve. Put the power to legislate, regulate and control money back in congress. End the massive banks.
Kek there's a woman with HUGE tits at work who has a power move during meetings. She will get up, stand behind a chair and put her hands on the back and squeeze her giant milkers together while talking. Works every time.
imagine the smell
dude? i was about to go the the bed
pics or it didn't happen
>I’m not mad you’re mad
Red lipped batfish
You can see her bad temper In her face
>Kek there's a woman with HUGE tits at work who has a power move during meetings. She will get up, stand behind a chair and put her hands on the back and squeeze her giant milkers together while talking. Works every time.
hnnnng that's awesome. Giant milkers are proof that there is a god and he loves us.
No time for that when all we can do is laugh at how mind-numbingly stupid she is and how easily you brainless automatons accept the turds they feed you.
I can't, she's right about pretty much everything.
She looks like a horse.
who said that donkey was a pretty animals?
tfw no yandere progressive latina gf
Does she even have 5 policies?
Green New Deal,
Free healthcare for illegal aliens,
ICE elimination,
Open borders.
What do I win?
When comes to policies, her huge tits are mesmerizing
The headline is ironic: I don't hate Casio Ortega because she's pretty. On the contrary, the only thing I like about Casio Ortega is her massively fuckable tits. And her big blow job lips are likeable too. That's two two things I like about Ortega.