Protests spark in Michigan

Michigan finally issued stay at home orders, and then protests began, so how long until riots? Why was this the only state with balls to oppose government oppression? How long until arms are taken up?

Attached: riot NOW.png (1276x714, 1.21M)

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Because when they said you can't mow your lawn the boomers finally got incited


Michigan is almost its own country, we've really got nothing in common with the rest of the U.S.

Fuck my kids fuck my neighbors fuck my country but do not fuck with my lawn

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America is waking up from at least 3 generations of fat, happy living. Give them time to spin up. This world wide lockdown is extraordinary. It's going to cause a massive loss of civil rights for Plebs and most Americans had no idea such a lockdown was possible.

You should thank God they did anything disobedient at all. You can't possibly know how hard it is for your average American to disobey any order from authority.

When i heard i started IRL ranting and raving at my girl for a solid half hour at not only the fact people are cool with the lockdown but the only thing getting people off their ass is their LAWN. I seriously lost all faith in humanity, zero hyperbole.

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More has been started over less.

Attached: boston_tea_party.jpg (800x520, 85.74K) are right.

>for years many people - the silent majority - said "we'd protest more, but we have jobs to go to"
>government takes away their ability to work
>suddenly have time to protest and do

Why do I feel like civil war 2 is incoming?

So what are they protesting? Precautions of a deadly virus? if they want to spread that shit around go for it maybe it’ll kill the retards

Didn't I see that people in Michigan aren't even allowed to buy seeds for growing their own food now?

Ingham County Sheriff, Lansing Police, East Lansing, MSU, Meridian Police

No this is about not allowing a governor to hold a state hostage with no reason.
With Trump announcing reopening of the country, political pressure will be on this female governor and she will only lose more and more support the longer she holds out because orange man bad.
This is a brilliant move on Trump's part and will ensure he wins Michigan again.
Especially when this idiot governor sides with Biden. Going to be great to watch

if you're under 5 yrs old, over 65, obese, or have a history of respiratory problems, chances are 20% to catch it, 20% to die from it.

Everyone else is less than 1%. Do your fucking homework.

Why was this a thing?

Taxation is theft t. founding fathers

They are protesting keeping our shit shut down for absolutely halfbaked half-whit measures I hope. Our "regulations" do nothing

Its a version of the german double s "ss" sound from what ive read. Ive seen it used completely inconsistently though so who knows

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>don't want to fight a war on invisible enemy while country is under attack

execute those traitors at the spot!

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If they go out then they become potential vectors for transmission. Yanks fucking brain dead

Trump reopens the country and yank deaths surge. cya goys

Patriotard Boomer Dummies

You're off-brand Canadians, which are already off-brand Americans. Disgusting Michigander scum, stay the fuck out of the rest of the US.

Poor rural michiganders grow a LOT of their own food. When I see seeds being roped off by caution tape in meijers and Walmart, you get what you fucking deserve

ok chang.

how is this CCPposting? using a meme flag means nothing. are you from Michigan? if not, kill yourself.

Fuck off shillkike

No, you're right, it's basically still an 's'. Ye Olde English.

Yes, pass the Vernors

But I thought the only retard was the president?