What makes you think they wouldn't have done this to you, most of you have autism a mental illness which hitler WOULD NOT have allowed to pollute his reich
This was Hitler's germany
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Actually i think that was poland in ur pic lol.
An updated form of eugenics would test people on an individual basis. Most of us here wouldn't pass "white" or not.
I wish Hitler would kill me save me the trouble from doing it myself
Atrocity? Depends on the character of the man with the gun to his head. For all we know he could've been a serial killer.
thats my dream job, to shoot kikes and lefties then kick their lifeless bodies straight into a ditch
They're shooting Jewish partisans in the back of the head. The horror.
The Jew is waging a not-very-subtle war against you at moment, with racial extermination consequences far worse than the impact of the Holocaust on the Jewish race.
No we aren’t. You just want to believe that Jews are behind your troubles because we are generally more successful than you. Your IQ is double digits
i miss him bros
ps, im not even white
Proving how autistic you are by posting german crimes in ukraine
>Proving how autistic you are by posting german crimes in ukraine
Any proof it's a crime?
>most of you have autism a mental illness
Even if it's true, it because we live in current era, not era Hitler wanted. Internet would have different reasons and meme won't exist.
Laughs in Blue eyed blonde.
>It’s okay when Stalin does it though
That's right, they exterminated mentally ill and homosexuals too.
Wait are you a nazi?
Those are Soviet partisans being executed for illegally waging warfare while out of uniform.
Ok Shlomo Popescustein
Remove the vpn you retard you're not fooling anyone
Go read the talmud you miserable kike.
They write about it.
Mongrels like yourself genuinely can't comprehend not being persecuted. Your self-hatred is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The definition of "Mental Illness" is far different now than it was in the 1930's.
>What makes you think they wouldn't have done this to you
I'm German.
If they did it would be worth it even if we had to die for the cause. We're all willing to accept sacrifice for the greater good which is why we're better than you faggot op.
>calls someone a mongrel
>is from br*tain
Cue the irony
Nice pic , BroAnon !! Thanks !!
This is why I'm a Strasserite. Of course Uncle Greg never got into power because he got knifed so we don't know what would have happened.
Strasser was a commie
Implying clean gene pool gives birth to mentally ill people, if the right side would have won we would be living in a healthy society now, there wouldn't be no need to kill people, there wouldn't be no mentally ill people killing themselves.
Would Hitler actually execute me for having depression?
>Proving how autistic you are by posting german crimes in ukraine
You posted the pic first , you fucking retard .
Don't throw stones in glass houses mate. The chance of you being a mutt is far higher than mine.
>109 countries .
you should read mein kampf and form your own opinions
it's very likely all of your opinions on WWII are dictated entirely by post-war propaganda, which is completely different from pre-war documentation. especially in eastern european/slavic countries the lies are clownish, somehow more ridiculous than what we are taught in the US/western europe. astounding really.
but it's up to you to decide whether or not what you were taught in elementary school is genuine. you should just compare it to things written before the war by both allies and enemies of germany, because it paints a completely different picture. labor camps and centers of industry turned into death camps with roller coasters of death and impossibly efficient ovens and stuff. start with mein kampf.
Sure thing wallabe
most europeans were eligible for reich citizenship.
Slovakia fought with Adolf Hitler against the hordes from the east & west.
Absolutely seething at the mere mention of the word mongrel, self hating projection
god I wish that was me
Soldiers execute prisoners. In other news, water is still wet.
It is only a war crime if you lose the war. That is the basic unwritten law of war.
I really hope what would get me killed is my macaquismo, not my autism, i hope im a highly functional autist
> imagine being so dense as to take posts on pol literally