At airport

>at airport
>military get to board early
>"thank you for your service"
>pilot thanks military on plane for thier service
>everybody claps

Why the fuck do burgers glorify their military so damn much? There's nothing glorious about killing innocent Muslims.

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>t. muslim
t. sage


Because when shit goes down we expect they have our back and not the globalist. They are our sons, friends, brothers, fathers, we respect them as its a duty of all Americans to understand our military makes us the world super power.

Are you a Jew?

Faggot with EU flag reeks or kike influences

Because if people are willing to put their life on the line for our way of life
Can you make that claim?
If not then shut the fuck up Nigger

I spend all day posting about how the US government should be destroyed but always feel respect towards soldiers I happen to encounter

>There's nothing glorious about killing Muslims.
It may not be glorious, but somebody's gotta do it. And I'm too lazy, so I appreciate their work, even if I do wish they would increase their production.

I mean even if they serve israel I still have a soft spot for soldiers. A lot of american soldiers I knew didn't even fucking know where israel was on the map and were talking Lieutenants. So a lot were either redpilled or didn't care. One day the solider will wake up. But he probably might be forced to shoot his own citizens by that point.

Military service is great.
>great benefits
>COOL for free certs, pretty much all you can grab
>money for college
>cheap and even free college in some states
>preferential treatment on flights, in job applications, loans
>SMRA gets me out of debt like nothing else
>CAC gets me through just about anything with a TS clearance and into any GS job I want
>10% off tons of shit
>easy credit cards despite shit credit
>clap clap clap/ty for your service (actually hate this part and turn it around on people by saying "thanks for making home worth having" or some shit)
>girls impressed
>health insurance
>free housing and tax free income via allowances
>weapons training, tactics training, physical mental and emotional hardening
>sense of competence in self care and care of environment
>pension and 22k/yrs to a Roth 402g I can put in an IRA every re-up

And yeah, if I see combat, I could die. And yeah, acne laden teenagers and ham radio faggots and the occasional subnation like the EU or their member not sovereigns can talk shit while my buds fuck their women, and yeah I could die while zog gets served by the US.
But my income tax goes to my paycheck. My finance is secured. It's worth it.

Ty for your taxes.

Ehh they still put their lives on the line. I dont agree with the stupid conflicts we get into but it's the politicans who put them into this position.

My brother in law was in army as cavalry. Last times i spoke with him he even went as far as to say israel is our greatest ally. Idk wtf they brainwash these guys with but glad i sidnt join the military desu

>Why the fuck do burgers glorify their military so damn much?
Cry more slut

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We're the reason China/Russia hasn't turned the entire planet into a wetmarket by now fgt

Very true. Most Marines I serve with that know about Israel hate the foreign aid we give them. They're way more redpilled than nupol.

Its glorious if you're a jew slave

Because our military is why we sleep soundly at night and why we are the greatest nation this world has ever seen. I'm sorry you eurocucks can't take pride in your militaries.

muh armee muh muhruueeens

git on da grounndddd

get ptsd and get a job as an asshole cop lol

*There is nothing glorious about killing for Israel.

Fuck Muslims. Every Muslim should die.

They risk their lives for like 24k a year so we dont have to

That explains it lmao
Airforce is even worse


>My finance is secured.
Right in Tyrone's arms. And his friend Reggie, and that nigga Jarnese, and those other niggas he be bringin' round on da weekends.

They are already on the globalist side. They fought a based fashy, anti-globalist regime of Saddam Hussein.

deluded fuck

this is a bot post

Used to live on a base constant fights every day someone found their wife fucking a townie

military service is literally gibs for white people who are as dumb and poor as blacks (coupled with the depression rate of trannies)
the biggest fucking welfare queen faggots around

stay mad faggots, you are all paying for my college education and health insurance. God Bless America

Brain dead neocons

There are no innocent muslims. There are two types of muslims, those who are guilty of jihad and those who support the ones doing the jihad.

Because they tend to own a lot of guns and hate liberals. They are the sheep that will be used to start the race war.

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>Why the fuck do burgers glorify their military so damn much? There's nothing glorious about killing innocent Muslims.
Do you seriously think that they do it for fun and kill innocent people ?
Do you realise that some muslims are enrolling childrens as soldiers, raping women and enslaving people. These soldiers are sent in these foreign countries because they aren't developped enough to manage the terrorist threat and could be overthrown by them spreading more and more pain and desolation around the globe. We weren't fighting them in the past, we got 9/11 and other numerous attacks. These men give their life to protect the people they love and you do what ? You sit here and say that they are monsters. Who is really evil, the one trying to put an end to a shitty situation or the one insulting the first and doing nothing?

Mhm my frontwave account really thinks that matters.
On a side note, I have seen the most niggery blacks ever go through the service and come out people I'd smoke and drink with.
Blacks were made for the military and instead of welfare we should be forcing military service on them. Would eliminate so many problems. Straight up amazing guys, and they make fun of niggers harder than anyone here.

True that.

What a bunch of pitiful, halfassed, malformed retard opinions. Your brains really are fucked from circumcision trauma, fluoride, and childhood vaccinations. You're barely able to muster a thought and when you do it's a bunch of disconnected, irrational shit that resembles some bullshit your stupid TV addict boomer father said once. How pitiful.

>at prison
>Brenton get to leave early
>"thank you for your service"
>White ethnostate president thanks Tarrant for his service
>Every white nationalist claps
Imagine the timeline.

You have to be 18 to post here.
>but only 17 to serve and it's all the beer you can drink. Just saying.


Pick one and only one.

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Pls don't put salt on wound

And here you can see a prime example of someone who has lost a debate. He can't find any form of counter-argument so he insult the ones who aren't thinking like him and not even trying to understand the point of view of the others.

Go smoke pot with your nigger friends if you want to have a conversation with your intellectual equals, fucking NPC.

Why do you love a thread template that is years old so much? Same picture and everything. Are you incapable of making something new?

>innocent Muslims

What debate, you dipshit knob gobbler?
>I clap for da ZOGbots because someone gotta be killin those Muslims and defendin our way of life from da Russians!!1
>wow, the environmental traumas inflicted upon you sure have rendered you a pitiable golem!
>some other faggot: ummn okay sweaty, you just lost the debate when you used rude words
Fuck off, moron.