Coronavirus is a novel virus. Which means we don't know shit about it

Coronavirus is a novel virus. Which means we don't know shit about it.

For all we know this shit crosses the blood/brain barrier and recovered people will start having seizures and die a few months from now.
We don't know if recovered people actually gain an immunity to it. Indeed, we don't know that "light" cases of the disease actually give you immunity.
Hopefully its just a respiratory illness.
But if it ain't.
Its been nice shitposting.

"First, the US Food and Drug Administration relaxed its rules, and now companies can sell antibody tests without submitting validation data that shows they actually work.
The Association of Public Health Laboratories says that has resulted in "crappy" tests flooding the market."

Gotta love that deregulatory Trump FDA.
The market will figure it out.

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The best part is that it's highly contagious which means liberals in big cities are most likely to die before it spreads to the rural areas.

If its a Novel virus...maybe we just need to start reading!
If we read, then it cant hurt us.

It will get there... but when it hits rural areas people don't give a shit anymore

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I'm not waiting around for a cure to a virus.
They've had 40 years and over a trillion dollars to research the one that kills fags and drug addicts. They're not any smarter. Do you think they'll make a breakthrough with double the money and 1/40th the time?

I'm not waiting for a cure either...
BUT I am not rushing to go back to normal until we know what the bug is actually capable of.

Like seriously... these asshats who want the country open are literally rolling the dice with millions of lives on the line. Why? Cause they believe Trump.
He's a bloviating moron.
Seriously look at this council of dipshits.

I'm surprised. This is the fucking prepper moment and all I see is fell tinfoilers saying "nothingburger" go back to work/adrenochrome.
Fuck all that.

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And remember everyone in China falling over and dying in the street?
Bad acting?

Covid19 is a novel CORONAVIRUS. It is not a novel virus. There are plenty of other coronaviruses out there, and we know a great deal about them. Kindly fuck off with your panicfaggotry.

It's not a respiratory disease. It's a blood disease. It's airborne aids basically.

Guys, what if the virus is actually nanomachines, and your testicles randomly explode a month from now? I guess we should never go outside again. I really don't feel comfortable leaving my mother's basement.