Stay at home

Stay at home

It’s not that fucking hard.

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just to piss off normies i'm going out hahahaha


Not leaving your house at least once a day is worse for your health than the average corona case

But muh social life!!!

Unironically swim in lava.
Your like all these boomer tossers that give people like me shit for buying food and yet your out there walking for 40 miles lecturing people like an utter retard.

there is literally no risk to going on a hike in the woods

Sorry, there's work to be done, Skeeter.

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State parks are closed down.

Have been since fucking 3/11 why do we have over a half a million fucking cases?

Do you agree that that was a bullshit decision?

how do I get food in my belly if i stay home?
How do you take care of urgent business staying home?


based, OP BTFO

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Wait are you supposed to wear the masks inside?? Lol

Coming soon to a state near you!

I like to work I don’t want to be around my kids all day

Yes, you should wear at least 2 masks when you're in your home and at least 10 masks when out in public. If you're in an enclosed space like a store you should cover yourself head-to-toe in masks

Waste of a thread

>Stay inside
You stay inside, faggot. I bet up until this point,you were begging for a happening,just something. Get raped

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OP is a faggy leftist boomer or alternately an utter shill.

>going on a hike in the woods in America
England is developing global range drones to Oi! at you right now.


I'm not cucking for this COVID19 nonsense.

Suuuuuuuuuck my dick

>Stay at home it’s not that fucking hard.

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Some of us have bills that aren't going to wait just because the rest of you want to larp the black death. Call me when you have a disease with a 30% mortality rate in healthy 25 year olds and we'll talk.

Nah I'm going paddleboarding. Kys shill.

Fuck I wanted to type and the text had disappeared

Maybe I'm not even a neet just an unemployed guy.

1) can't name number a days when I am at home

2) my ADHD became worser, I can't control shitpost and started to answer after reading only one sentence

3) I started to type words wrong even in Russian, which is weird

Well, I didn't use comp keyboard for a long time, but anyway

4) I read shouldn't except should abd agreed with opinion which I dislike.

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i dont think anyone on this godforsaken board is having much trouble staying home, you stupid gay retard

Of course you have no, most of you have personal homes and you can just sit near it at backyard

some of us actually have jobs and dont get paid to stay at home

Just got my Trumpbux today. Should I build a new gaming pc?

>some of us actually have jobs and dont get paid to stay at home

I had no job for a looong time and start to feel negative anyway

ADHD really became worser, literally start having the troubles with shitposting and concentration

maybe not because isolation only but anyway