/PCSG/ Putnam County Standoff General DAY 145

850+ patriots are onsite now, cops are into the hundred thousands. APCS are lining the streets and they're jamming phone signals and WIFI. Helicopters are flying all over, absolute chaos. I ran six blocks to get an update out the sounds of this area sounds like a warzone. Reportedly feds are hacking social media and putting out fake press releases.

Will standby momentarily in threads to field questions before going back. Very tense situation. Feds are in full SHUTDOWN mode shilling + spreading disinfo in threads. Putnam is in full crisis mode right now.

Attached: redflagpatriot.jpg (300x168, 18.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Am going to post some pics I have been taking as this event drags on. The MSM does not want you to see these pics.

Attached: standoffstreetlevel.jpg (992x744, 40.77K)

Numerous LE agents on the scene. Here is infrastructure damage occurring, and you can see the multiple SWAT in the background

Attached: infrastructuredamage.jpg (553x175, 40.65K)

Just a few of the many armored cars they "need" for this standoff.

Attached: armoredcars.jpg (628x314, 52.94K)

Here is another picture proof of the many LE agents on the scene. This is actually further down the street, which goes to show you the magnitude of LE that is here.

Attached: putnamstandoffstreet2.jpg (600x329, 75.07K)

Just go home and relax. We got rocks to worry about.

Attached: 1586983606823.jpg (730x520, 924.06K)

Here is yet ANOTHER picture with an armored vehicle in Putnam. Why do they need this many LE agents on the scene for just one guy?

Attached: armoredvehiclesputnam.jpg (700x389, 43.78K)

What's going on in Putnam county?

whisky warrior...again?
another larp?

A patriot is currently holed up in house denying to give up his weapons, FEDS are attempting to red flag him. Other patriots have swarmed the place to defend him and there is complete and total chaos. I had to run out of the area as they're jamming comms in the entire area. De facto Martial Law is ongoing.

Feds have done a complete media blackout, this has been ongoing for days

How is glowie cellphone jamming now a gross breach of the 1st amendment?

Gunshots are going off left and right please stay safe out there patriots, I will field questions for a little until I rush back to continue providing safety and documenting the chaos.

Attached: putnamswatstreet2.jpg (574x416, 64.83K)

The FEDS are taking advantage of the COVID-19 and have seized total communications going in and out of Putnam. Social media accounts are being hacked and news orgs are putting out false narratives to muddy the waters.

post video or this is fake and you’re a nigger

>Putnam County Standoff

Is this a different standoff because Booth turned himself in last November.

Obvious shill fed here to muddy the waters, all of my pictures are original and have been taken of the chaos ongoing. Please pray for the patriots on the frontlines, anons.

That's exactly what I'm referring to when I'm talking about FEDS seizing control and putting out false news about this event. This has been ongoing. Stay frosty.

So he didn't turn himself in? I need a source here. I'm not taking your word on this.


The amount of federal shills converging this quickly should ring some alarms. This is a grave matter

He beat his wife or something didn't he?

This is fake. they ran this larp already. dude in the OP image is called whisky warrior on instagram. He was a domestic violence suspect, and he larped last year about red flag confiscation - this is FAKE! look here from LAST YEAR - youtube.com/watch?v=hrTsZ0L0Pig

this is from last year fag. it was a larp then and its a larp now.

Another shill attempting to "debunk" this. Your glow is noticeable from miles away

Nigger faggot confirmed.

i just posted a link from 2019 about it you fucking communist

It has been ongoing since then, but you already knew that, FED

It's not dark yet...

yeah, no, there is no standoff dumb shit. go away.

only he got caught. fucking fag.

Which Putnam county is this?

Why is it so dark lol larp I'm Indiana and it's bright as fuck right now

Pics from Michael brown riots.

This appears to be a larp to take attention off the very real protests happening with ZERO police pushback.

Shill thread.

Attached: EVnFm_SXYAArYpB.jpg (679x445, 71.77K)