>the ship's entire crew were tested and cleared before it set off for Los Angeles in late March
>Since then, none of the sailors have been allowed to leave the vessel
> the ship has only taken in some 20 patients to date
>None of the ship’s 20 patients have tested positive for the virus
>yet seven sailors got infected
How is this possible?
How is this possible?
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably bad tests.
They accidentally brought covid patients aboard
Yes. False "negatives".
So what does it tell us about the reliability of those testing kits?
There was already reports that COVID patients (((accidentally))) got sent there
maybe there's more than one virus out there. Maybe there's a companion fungus or bacteria that associates with one of the stages of the virus
I mean I don't see any reason for them to do it purposefully. Human error is pretty common especially with all the moving parts operating
Fuck off chink.
remember when researchers teleported an atom from china to space in 2017?
yeh well 3 years later they can now teleport viruses
Your article is about a vessel in New York. The one in OP is about another vessel, in Los Angeles
asymptomatic people can have a low viral load that is hard to detect but can still spread
No. SeeYou are confusing the ship in New York with the ship in Lost Angeles, brainlet
It's also possible that the Virus was already there, but it had not grown in numbers high enough for the tests to notice them.
Nigger, OP is about the vessel "Mercy", now in Los Angeles. The so-called accident you're referring happened in the ship "Comfort", now in New York.
Fucking moron.
go to sleep laowai
Daffuq does it mean?
The tests suck and produce too many false positives. But there is also the possibility that just breathing the air causes you to get this thing
>just breathing the air
Could even spread from corpses, apparently.
Daffuq a cuck like you is doing here?
It's quite simple really. We don't know what the fuck we are doing, user.
It is almost like the Chinks planned to weaken our military?
cell poisoning
Lmao China cant even build a functioning escalator and you want me to believe they have mastered teleportation technology to the extent of transmitting diseases? LOL
Chinese people are so awkward when they try to sound western lol its cringe
they got changed
Lmao how was this just not assumed?
Shit tier tests obviously
>leaf flag
Ccp confirmed