China created covid-19 ON PURPOSE

So my buddy thinks this coronavirus was started by China to stop protests. Is this true?

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>lets destroy the global economy and open us up to massive retaliation to stop the HK protests
Makes sense if you are a bug.

China stops protests in one afternoon with tanks.

They could. But then everyone sees that happen. If they do it quietly with the virus and spread it everywhere else no one looks twice

They created it but didn't mean for it to get out just yet, then some chink sold lab animals at the wet market

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If so, they didn't do a very good job. It's literally just a flu.

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it was the CIA, amigo

Yeah but they released it during Chinese New Year, when tourists were more likely to spread to their homelands. wasn’t it the perfect time to release it to the public?

but everyone saw the virus come from China. Was getting caught part of their master plan?

It wasn't to kill people. It was a distraction so they could shut down the protests. Everyone's busy worrying about the sick and dying. Not what's happening in China

It's more like their usual basic incompetence.

It's true that it was lab made, it wasn't to stop protests. It escaped the lab. It was meant to be unleashed in the west because US specifically was winning the trade war with China.

getting caught isn't the point, it was just to distract the world from the honk Kong protests

Idk man if anything everyone who didn’t care about the protests now knows and hates China even more

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For you


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My personal opinion is they were researching this family of virus likely just as a preemptive way to study the next "most possible" virus to jump to humans. The daily mail article mentions them injecting baby piglets with bat blood infected with a covid-19 like virus, in an attempt to infect pigs, them being a much more transmissible viral vector, which most often killed the piglet. So they took the then dead piglets, ground them up and fed them to other piglets and so on and so on.
Some retard at the facility either got infected while butchering the piglets/bat/pangolin or sold one to the markets that had been through a similar process

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No, but it worked.

Let's not forget the international pedo trapped brainwashed cabal

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Don't care. Tits.

China is absolutely on everyone's shit list now.

Looks good. Happy to see it.

You must be one of those chink Mexicans I've heard about.

Does it matter? At all? I don't see any heroes. Absolutely everyone seems to be defeated.

think bigger

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What is certain is that China constructed this virus in a lab, a completely manmade organism, from pieces of some other rather nasty viruses. This is ongoing research which has been written about and discussed in professional circles for the past many years. What we cannot determine with any certitude is what the CCCP's motivation was in constructing SARS-CoV2. Maybe it was to wage war, or maybe it was to study it. Whatever the reason was, they did allow the virus to escape, and then intentionally covered up that fact while the plague spread internationally.

The first two researchers who allowed the virus to escape, died from it. Following that, the first person to attempt to alert the world about the escaped virus, back in September of last year, was arrested/imprisoned by the Chinese authorities for sedition. Thereafter the Chinks knowingly lied about it to the rest of the world, likewise as did the World Health Organization.

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They glow in the dark. You can see them if you're driving. Just run 'em over.

Lmao this is actually a great meme

yeah tits. who is she

I saw this last night. still having a nightmare after seeing this. Wtf Germans I fear for them now.

>virus attacks brown and black people
>WMD virus was manufactured to do this
>chinks own lots of holdings now in Central / South America and Africa
Hmm. If people who own property are dead, the chink stink gubment can...

sauce on the bitch

You coomers are too much

I know what you're talking about but in fact i fucking hate chinks