Why does Yas Forums still believe the corona hoax?

It's obvious at this point it's a massive powergrab from (((the global community))), yet you faggots keep eating up what (((mister metokur))) fearmongers with
>99% of deaths are with preexisting ilnesses
>83% of hospitalizations are obese "people"

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Nice argument, faggot

I knew it was a hoax the day bill gates did the ama on reddit. So many nationalists took the bluepill regarding this. All it takes is for the kikes to cause a little fear and people buy the mainstream narrative.

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Also Yas Forums is getting massively shilled because the corona hoax operation is still ongoing.

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>Get your tattoo and chip goy

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How's it like in Denmark? Is the law forcing vaccines still in effect? Sweden here and we don't have a lockdown.

We've shut down most things but opened for smaller children today, so I'm guessing they're going for herd immunity. Who knows though, our coward government may wait for a vaccine

God people are so fucking stupid.
I'm moving when this lock down lifts even if I have to live in a tent.
Boomers and roasties just clap along and run around scared.

Meanwhile we've literally had 0 deaths over 70.
I give up on these stupid fucks.

Is there a virus?

Is it killing worse than the flu?

There's more evidence it's a hoax than the virus being real. They're probably counting every death as being caused by the coronavirus even those not tested.

The lockdowns are a global holodomor. They're killing people by keeping them from working so their savings run out and others by denying critical medical treatment due to coronavirus patients taking precedent.

Yeah, our hospitals have been mostly shut down for a month and a half and only like 10% of ICU beds have even been filled up, if that

And cancer patients being told to wait with treatment, etc.

>It's obvious at this point it's a massive powergrab from (((the global community)))

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Yeah I know. Yas Forums doesn't detect my location but whatismyip.com and whatismyipaddress.com do. My ISP is bitcom.

Because a good percentage of posters here are paid shills.
And another good percentage were primed by CIA asset Mister Metokur, who was bought off a few years ago, and who now glories in the loss of freedom, thinking its funny.
Metokur was the prime guy chosen to mislead the de-weaponized autists, making them think Corona was more serious than it is.

Pretty much, I'm done trying to help these stupid morons, I'll help load them into the "trains".
Morons the lot of them.

Ok, but eventually lockdown has to end. So which specific actions, powers grabbed, we be taken because of this lockdown?

Because honestly this is the dullest happening ever.

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Goodbye weak people.

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After they've holodomor'd enough millions of people.

only about 20% of pol is real people

At the speed this is going more people are being born than dying.... when does the dying start?

Coffee is actually good for you

*under 70 (typod)

Cause I've had two family members die from it so far.

But...yeah...they were already pretty fucking ill.

When people run out of savings and starve to death or die from medical complications due to being denied treatment because corona patients are prioritized.

COVID-19 is real, not a hoax, and way worse than the flu, you libertarians should go lick door knobs and die already, worthless scum jewy lolbergs.

OK shlomo

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plz gib pic sauce, reverse image search no halp

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She's not even that attractive, jesus. Do you really need this one? There are millions of naked women on the internet. Why do you want to see more of this one?

The illness itself is not a hoax, the overreaction to it is.

Also, it's not a novel virus, not even a virus at all, it's literally tuberculosis.

>"Covid" symptoms and sequelae are inconsistent with viral pneumonia but perfectly consistent with TB.

>"Covid" is so far less infectious and deadly in countries with strong, decades-old BCG programs than in countries that don't commonly distribute the vaccine.

>"Covid" primarily infects and kills people over 65 years of age while being virtually incapable of hurting people under 20 years of age, exactly like TB but completely unlike any other viral pneumonia (45% of yearly viral pneumonia deaths are children and young teens).

>"Covid's" best treatment is an anti-paludic and a powerful wide-spectrum anti-biotic, an ideal TB treatment that would be unthinkable to administer to someone suffering from a bad viral infection since it would kill their immune response while leaving the virus untouched.

>"Covid" shows a marked preference for A and B blood types while having a hard type infecting O types, just like TB.

>"Covid's" exosomes are identical to TBs under the microscope.

>"Covid" survives for a long period outside of the human body and is highly volatile, something that is completely inconsistent with any other kind of coronavirus because of their large size and quick metabolism, but perfectly consistent with the TB bacillus which can live outside of the human body for up to 6 months.

Seriously, every time they say something about "Covid" that they claim makes it different to regular viral pneumonia, compare it with readily available TB data.