im pakistani I work in the UK and I have family in UK helping the NHS and others slaving a way to save british people from corona virus who are racist against them show some respect instead of hating those you dont now if its you next who will get saved by a minority
I'll clap when they manage not to kill members of my family randomly after months of telling them they were not ill.
Eat shit
Bentley Moore
nhs is like 80% white
Jason Turner
I will clap when they go back
Gabriel Cooper
how many white british women have you rap-err i mean "groomed" today?
Hunter Peterson
Jokes on you
I haven't clapped once since this whole shit show started
Andrew Moore
I'd clap those sweet brown booty cheeks OoOoOOoOooOOOo got emmmm!!!!
Adrian Hall
is that a white guy in the middle as a minority?
Adrian Rogers
He might be from Polska
Logan Green
Why don't you just go back to your own country instead of insisting on being where you are not wanted? I don't get it. I'd go back to England in a heartbeat if it were England again.
Matthew Howard
Fuck off Paki. It's mainly you stupid cunts who are bringing it in. The NHS is a shit show.
Reminder: Without Caucasians, these prestigious service positions would not exist in the west. These migrants were whipped by their parents to fill these positions. That's all they are. That's all they will ever be, slaves. They are people of color, and they are being used for politics.
These people live on the surface of a molten core ready to blow. And when it does, they will not survive the fallout.
Ryan Stewart
Get fucked you degenerate third world shitskin rape toy.
Gavin Campbell
You're not here right now and we ain't missing you. The cost inflicted on us by your 14 inbred cousins is more than you can ever repay so stop sucking your own arsehole you stupid paki cunt. I will commend you on your mastery of the toilet and making minority communtiies unlivable for Hindus therefore ensuring street shitters go to the USA. That is all.
Make no mistake. We only tolerate you because Indians exist.
Asher Howard
>Reminder: Without Caucasians, these prestigious service positions would not exist in the west. Reminder: You had nothing to do with it and as much as slave as anyone else. If you're trying to be proud of what people that have nothing to do with you did, then you are pathetic. Great mass reply tho
Ayden Cooper
Based af
Jonathan Torres
You're a fool. Keep being unaware of your surroundings
Nicholas Adams
Great argument. How many jobs did you create in your life time? Your mum cleaning up your crusty cum socks doesn't count as a job btw
Joshua Morris
>I will commend you on your mastery of the toilet They are just as filthy as the pajeets kek. Same shit, just different religion.
Sebastian Nelson
Dat pregnant blaq nurse done gone died of Coronavirus
Elijah Reed
>im pakistani I work in the UK and I have family in UK
fuck off you smelly paki cunt we're full. simple as.
still doesnt remove the fact pakis rape little girls.
Aaron Perry
Fuck you nigger, you come hear for our Britbux cause it means more money for you to send back home. I don't care if you die doing your job, you came here to do it.
t. white bong also working on the medical frontline
Michael Lewis
Keep being a parasite with delusions of grandeur
Joshua Taylor
Celebrate? The only motive for an ethnic minority worker is money. The foreigner minority is obvious, and it's also obvious that it's the native-born minority that gets dicked as hard as the usual white laborers. This is utter tone-deafness.
Christopher Adams
Is there any British people left in the UK?
Cameron Williams
Furthermore the only NHS worker deaths that are being picked up by our media are all the folk who have a skintone darker than Honey. Isn't that surprising
Thomas Thomas
Holy shit, everything is so brazen in Bongland. How do you Nigels take it?