Mel Gibson is currently making the sequel to the Passion of the Christ.
He has never spent this long on a movie before.
>James Caviezel say its going to be the biggest movie in history
>again, its going to portray jews in a very negative light
is this going to be the movie that returns the west to Christ and redpills the normie Christians on jews?
The jews are seething pretty hard over this movie
Other urls found in this thread:
already done
blasphemous as fuck
God willing. But I don't think people will get redpilled on either Christ nor the jews. I've asked friends if they would become Christian if they knew Jesus was the son of God. Most of them said no. I'm afraid we have dark times ahead
Let's gooooo
i love Mel Gibson
> I've asked friends if they would become Christian if they knew Jesus was the son of God
what can we do to fix atheism in this soulless nation, user?
They already are everyday, of course it’s much harder with adults who are already too far gone in their own ways. Personally I can’t describe what did it for me
i am muslim but I really liked the first movie. I cannot wait to watch the sequel. why do the jews hate Jesus so much ? even 2000 years later, they still hate him so much, it's insane.
based. why do you deny the crucifixation though?
Checked. I don't know to be honest. We have to fight. Not all hope is lost. I have a God son. His parents are some of the best people I know of, and devout Christians. Pray for strength maybe? But I think that those who want/ are ment to see the light will. We are living in a fallen world, so most of them won't. But we allready know the outcome. Have a family I think, and spread as much light as we can in this dark place
Can’t wait.
I hope it shows Jesus saving souls in Hell, so much happens before the resurrection. this is going to be incredible
>why do you deny the crucifixation though?
Look, I am no islamic scholar and I sin too man. I really don't know everything but from what I understood back when I use to go to the mosque is that the crucification happened, except it wasn't Jesus (pbuh) but someone else. This was a trick to satisfy the jews thirst of blood.
But I really dont understand why they wanted to kill him so much. even if they say he wasnt a prophet (which he definitely was), the hews had their fair share of false prophets. Why hate Jesus so so much ? I fucking hate the jews for it.
I will pay to see this in theaters.
The Jews tried to kill many of the prophets because they wanted to worship other gods instead.
For me it was prayer. My grandfather was in a coma for a while. Brain cancer. I knew that this was the last day he had on earth. So I prayed that my grandmother would get to say a proper goodbye. We woke up a few minutes after I had left the room. And they got to say I love you to each other. He passed later that night. But that was enough evidence for me
first thing i thought of too lmao
>Have a family I think, and spread as much light as we can in this dark place
true. I figure the best thing to do is to get a girlfriend, Christpill her, have a big family and raise your children to reject the degeneracy of this modern world (by homeschooling etc.). And also spend your free time spreading the word of Christ. I think thats the best we can do.
God bless you user, keep up the fight.
Gibson and Letterman are based
Industry tried to get them both but it's yet to happen
I think jim cavezial was struck by lighting like 3 times during the filming of the original. Lmao that says something
i think i will too.
pic related. disguting kikes.
ABC's of Salvation:
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 2:4, 3:10, 6:23; Acts 3:19)
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, and that He will come again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work on the cross. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9)
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, 10:13, 14:10-11; Philippians 2:10)
> the crucification happened, except it wasn't Jesus (pbuh) but someone else
how come?
What is the best bible to read if I’m interested in getting into the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? I really want to order a bible but am lost when I start looking into.
Also, are the “New” versions cucked?
For real? sauce?
Douay–Rheims Bible if youre Catholic
KJV if youre a protestant
> the “New” versions cucked?
yeah theyre heavily censored when it comes to anti-semitic verses etc.
The English Standard Version is accurate yet readable, a modern translation that is informed by the latest scholarship. I would recommend the study bible version. It's a little pricey but well worth it. You will gain a deep understanding of the Bible and more.
Atheists think they are super smart because
>I don't believe in invisble sky man durr
Appeal to their ego and point out that they are athiest because they lack capacity for abstract thinking. Concepts of a spiritual plane, an above and below, what is meant by being born a second time and such are too difficult for them to grasp.
Muhammadean lies.
He tended to the sick on the sabbath.
And had different and opposing ideas regarding being ruler.
"You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
If you look up terminal lucidity, this is similar to it. People who are near death who are in comas, have brain damage, dementia, Alzheimer's, etc. Gain complete lucidity and are able to tell their loved ones goodbye in a coherent manner. Happens too often for me to believe that it's just a few anecdotes here and there. And the medical explanation is retarded.
The KJV is respected but includes many archaic words as well as some that were unable to be translated and so were simply transliterated.
I think the ESV is generally accepted as tolerable, though most of the memes seem to go towards the King James Version. Frankly though, the best Bible is the one you actually read.
Mel should make The Turner Diaries into a movie instead. The salt would be tremendous.
Jesus was a Jew. Mel is based in terms of hating Jews, but being a Christfag is cringe.
Some may yet listen...
Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (book & YouTube)
Chuck Missler's Knowing God - An Extraterrestrial Message
literal jewish lies
lmao what i thought he was making a movie "not" about the rothschilds called rothschild
bless you user
Mel Gibson is blessed and one of most important persons in filmmaking. His movies have changed the world and I am sure this one will too. God bless him, and God bless his movies.
Come home, Straya.
Thanks. God bless you too user. What kind of church do you go to? I've struggled finding a non pozzed where I live.
that's super interesting. Yeah it's too much of a coincidence in my opinion. It's nice that it happens fairly often though. Helps both the passing and the people remaining to find a bit of peace
>Jesus 2
>This time it's biblical
Fuck off.
the main reason Mel hate jews is because hes a Christian.
Sad that we need this meme, isn't it?
He called them out for the children of the devil that they are. The church lost this important info and turned it metaphorical. They know what they are.
It redpilled me INSANELY HARD back in 2007. Don't be too quick to put down things that genuinely change the world for the better. I went in expecting to make fun of God and with tears in my eyes I decided to become a Christian after it.
as I said I am no Islamic scholar really, Im just a guy born and raised in the west who happens to have muslim parents, and unfortunately only went to the mosque when I was younger. (i'm 40 now). From what I remember tho, it was another man that was placed on the cross and was crucified (cant remember the name of the person, but he had assisted the jews in bringing Jesus pbuh to the cross, and he looked like Jesus pbuh). The jews were satisfied with the killing but Jesus did not die, and was brought to heaven instead. (again, muslims views differ also on this, so I don't know what other muslims believe but I know some believe that crucification happened as well... what I am saying however is what most sunni believes.... but then again i really am no expert...) I really really liked the movie though
I'm not a religious person, but it was an amazing film.
Im Catholic. I go to Latin Mass a few times a year in Porsgrunn.
also I have a local catholic church 10 min away. its pretty decent
Cringe, better version
>I've asked friends if they would become Christian if they knew Jesus was the son of God. Most of them said no.
thats doesnt really make sense maybe they were trolling you
You should check out
It's a daily, verse by verse, Bible study in over a hundred languages.
i wanna see that kino moment when peter realized that he denounced the Lord for the third time
because the religion of Judaism today has roots in Phariseeism. Pharisees were the main antagonists of Christ. Christ Himself called the Pharisees sons of the devil in John 8:44.
Fuck yeah i love the west
trump as Joseph of Arimathea
Jesus was an Alien in human form sent to communicate with us and after the crucifixion Aliens beamed his body back up.
Those aliens created us and Jesus tried to tell us. The father or God is actually the Aliens and heaven is their home world.
God wants us to be clean soldiers. No porn, drugs, or gluttony. Take care of the temple God gave you.
>I really dont understand why they wanted to kill him so much.
the entire point of Christianity is the crucifixion
If Jesus, as the son of gawd, didn't die as a sacrifice then the entire thing is pointless
Christianity is based on Jewish Abrahamic Law. This is why no matter how you slice it, Christianity will always be Jewcuck porn
>north american / anglo christianity
lmao at you heretics, thanks for the abortions and gay sex
nice, any idea when its coming out?
>saying "cringe"
also t. cartman
>i am muslim
Checked and kek'd
Checked. I'm not putting it down. It's just hard to stay optimistic in the times we live in. I heard that a lot of people who worked on the film converted too. But blessed that you found the truth. That's nice.
yeah I'll have to check out the Catholic church in Bergen. I've heard it's culturally enriched though. But I'll go there once they re-open
No. I don't know why they wouldn't. A lot of people I talk to have an open dislike to Christianity. Maybe they do it due to spite. I don't know. But you are right in that it doesn't make any sense
It's been about 2000 years and people still hate on the guy, you or I will never reach that level