Is Joe Biden the best the democrats have to run against Trump?

Is Joe Biden the best the democrats have to run against Trump?

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>running against a cheeto
You could put a fresh cadaver against him and it would win

Biden is Clintonbot v2.0; dems refuse to select anyone thats actually any good

4 more years, faggot.

nah, hildawg didn't fly so good.

They already tried that with Hillary.

lose gracefully v. get their shit berned down

>haha hillary lmao
Except she WON dumb blumpf tards, hes an illegal president he got less votes

>Except she WON dumb blumpf tards, hes an illegal president he got less votes
That's not how it works in America retard.

Jesus the absolute state of Apex Legends

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Except thats LITERALLY how a democracy works, lore votes=win, wouldnt expect a rural retard to know math tho

how delusional are you? Not even you guys would vote for that corpse.

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>democracy works
This country is republic not a democracy you fucking monkey nigger.

This faggot... Lol
You can't be serious and if you are, kys

(you) farming for beginners

We are a Constitutional Republic, braincel...

>wouldnt expect a rural retard to know math tho
>illegal president he got less votes

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I can't wait until school starts again...

No shit.

>a republic is not a democracy
Yes you dont vote representatives into office or anythingNo doubt so you can finish your 3rd year of grade 12 and finally get your diploma so you dont have to get a GED lile yoir step dad

What does voting Representatives into office have to do with the voting for the President you dumb slob?

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>president is a representative
>you vote for him

I love low IQ posters. How is it going little guy? Confusing world huh? Don't worry you'll make it.

So how many divisions does Hillary have at her command?

Worked just fine the first time.

>so sayeth the leaf
At least weed is legal there, fag

Then Obama was an illegal too.
Yes, he lost the primary, Hillary got more votes.

That was different, he was black and needed to be elected for historical purposes, we dont need an orange president

>president is a representative
>The president directs the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces.
I know you're not this stupid and you're just harvesting (yous) because you can't play vidya because mommy kicked you off so you're lying and saying you're doing school work so you can play on the computer, but seriously stop being a retard.

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Honestly yes.
They lost so many seats during Obamas 8 years the dem bench is very week.
They had have a cold call just to get enough candidates to run in races during the last mid term.

It's funny because he wont understand this kek.

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