If Donald a Trump secures 90% of the black vote, will the democrats call this The Great NigRig?
If Donald a Trump secures 90% of the black vote, will the democrats call this The Great NigRig?
It will be a landslide this year
cool, finally being nice for once.
they will kvetch and screech as much as possible after he keeps winning
they will start some bullshit impeachment or something with no clear purpose and then drag it on as long as possible
this breaking911 have no shame in bias,huh?
the absolute state of the losing right
>this scares the memeflag.
>record low black unemployment
They don't give a fuck
>record high unemployment and lots of extra gibs
Trump becomes insanely popular
You gotta give the people what they want.
It'd be hilarious if Trump won the black vote. All the middle class white leftists would seethe and call them Uncle Toms for not voting for who they told them to.
>Bernie promises free college, free healthcare, free housing, free childcare, reparations
>Blacks won’t vote for him
>Trump hands out a 1-time $1200 Monopoly money check
>Black approval surges
Bernie bros must be SEETHING right now.
the IRS sent my stimulus to my old bank account.
I get nothing.
President of color(Orange)
They don't trust bernie because he is Weak and Frail, AND would likely give up and give some other loser the win. It's a shame.
why are black people so based?
If Trump secures 30% of the black vote he can't lose. It was a pretty well known fact that if any Republican candidate got 25% of the black vote he they could win with little effort because Dems NEED those votes.
I guess its been 200 hundered years, huh?
Blacks vote based on whom gives them maximum gibs, Trump demanding his signature be on the cheque is a stroke of genius.
> its 2020 , election day
> nogs break their necks in their rush to vote for Trump
> results come in
> landslide vitory for Trump, Biden dies due to lack of adenochrome
> Bernie is gassed on the spot
> TRump makes his speech to the black minority
> My jiggaboos, the 1200$ you received were the equivalent of the Mule
> Each and everyone of you get 40 acres of land in Liberia, pack your bags, you leave tommorow
>the only way you can stay is if you agree to get castrated and bring me 2 mexican / spic heads
> to hispanigs, the only way you can stay in the US is if you agree to get castrated and bring me 3 jewish heads
> whites just lay back and enjoy the spectacle
> America turns 95% white overnight
>HELLO, Based department?
based and one digit off...
its 2020 not fucking 2010 and we still have like 70% left of this year to go, you fucking idiot, there could be a gigantic switch from the black demographics in a single month, retard.
Oh more than that. I think they’d full LBJ and call them niggers again. It would destroy them forever.
are trumpbux taxable like coronbux are here in Canada?
well, whats money worth in your country?
That is just painful to read.
I would create a cult in his name if even 1/2 of this happened.
I'm trying to use google translator but I can't find niggerish. Can someone translate the tweets from these fine young gentlemen?
they will sue for copyright infringement
>only so erect
america finally becomes a 3rd world country
Ayo, niggers be dyin at rates.....
Wooooot trump
Fucking niggers
Elections are 7 months away they will forget by then desu
when will all the dickless ZION DON shills change tactics and start calling him a nigger kek
He always has been ahead of his time
>people taking nigger twitter literally
They're just clowing.
Blacks already get that stuff for free
Omg le based nigger xDDD
Watching White liberals show their true colors would be so entertaining.
lmao i fucking love it.
If ~15% - 20% of blacks switch and vote for Trump, the Democrats are finished. They will go the way of the Whigs.
To be honest, this is great. Taking money away from corporations and boomers to literally buy votes for Trump. Trump acting like the real nigga
it's all bread and circuses. theyll forget all about this in 6 months