The Michigan Protesters are probably getting forced into quarantines

The authorities recorded the license plate information for everybody there. So they'll pass the information to the police and public health officials and the people who drove in the protest will have boots put on their vehicles and they will be forced home for 2 weeks. A lot like what Kentucky did to churchgoers a few days ago.

You don't protest against Gretchen Whitmer and expect to make it out unscathed.

Attached: coronawhitmer.jpg (469x210, 44.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I wish that tweet was real.

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They are going to do that with over a thousands cars? Yeah right, not enough law enforcement.

It's a real tweet in North Carolina:

Whitmer's response to the protest is essentially "Protests will make me lengthen the lockdown"

Attached: coronawhitmer2.jpg (700x427, 121.57K)

why are you americans so jewed????????

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-15 Michigan eyes Israeli tech to tackle water, mobility, cybersecurity challenges.png (654x867, 553.21K)

Kek she just dabbed on the LARPers and boomers

No. It boils down to "protests may cause more people to get sick, which may prolong the epidemic, which may prolong the need for lockdowns." It's like you faggots _want_ to be oppressed so you have something to cry about.

If we're doing strict social distancing, you can't fit multiple people into the same vehicle and have them be 6 feet away from each other. Therefore, shouldn't it be illegal to drive around with any passengers in the car? (carpools btfo)

Man I wish I was practicing law in these states, I'd be a billionaire when the dust clears over these air tight violations of the law

>getting forced into quarantines
Under what law? The constitution does not have a void if sick clause.

Please chimp out.

It’s okay bros login to my Minecraft server and kill politicians there!

and yet, if they do get forced into quarantine, the cops who arrest them and put them there won't be wearing masks. Weird how that works.

I hope they do this. It's a matter of public safety.

Kentucky was threatening to do that.

You see, the same people who simultaneously want abortions declared essential also think that states can do anything they want because 10th amendment.

Based and leadership pilled

they're getting nervous that thousands of people gathering isn't going to lead to an outbreak

Whitmer is literally a screeching SJW open borders cunt. How the fuck would a fellow Midwest state for her?!

That’s nice, what are you going to do round them up and put them in fema camps?? I’m sure that won’t radicalize anyone, it’ll be real good to win hearts and minds

They're dumb animals that need to be handled. No one cares about their feels.

Most of this is probably staged. (((They))) desperately want to provoke a violent backlash and hope for a ripple effect. They weren’t lucky with antifa + right wing rallies

*Insert fed post here

because she kept talking about fixing roads... that she hasn't fixed.. and she wants to ban people from using

noggers and spics voted for her

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How many states does it take to ratify a new amendment?
I would speculate either the S.C. is about to rule on this in record time or a new amendment will be ratified quickly.
Quit playing, Martial Law can absolutely suspend Constitutional Rights.
And will soon.
Especially if they can goad these dumbasses into a False Flag

So nobody at the protest had the virus therefore nobody protesting could contract the virus and now Chad can tell us all how quarantine is necessary and definitely a public health necessity right?

Attached: 1549330472646.jpg (250x250, 11.54K)

Judges will just dismiss any and all lawsuits related to this.

if they could spray the virus onto people at the protest so some of them would get infected, they would do it

Yeah, what does it tell you when almost none of the people ordering you to stay inside, wear masks, and practice social distancing practice any of that?

2/3 to change the constitution
The SC will rule on this and the mayors will get BTFOED by lawsuits
Martial law has not been invoked and invoking on the tail end of this wont fly either.

A lot of lawyers will be rich when this is done, I hope it bankrupts the evey state that's trying to pull this shit.

The Raleigh, NC police are deluded enough to think so.

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