Idubbbz and his gf are filing a dmca complaint against Yas Forums

>Idubbbz and his gf are filing a dmca complaint against Yas Forums

Attached: Cyberbird.jpg (3840x1934, 1.69M)

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Good luck this place is run on toothpicks and bitcoin mining farms, pretty sure our chink owner died of the beer virus a year ago


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he would have a tiny spec of a case IF HE DIDNT MAKE A PUBLIC VIDEO ANNOUNCING HE WAS OK WITH IT

Anybody got an archive of the pics?

Attached: 1512514486555.jpg (287x284, 25.05K)

welp, that was a quick case

Hiro will have a lawyer send a cease and desist and attach a bill for for fees for his lawyer's time and fees for his own time wasted and win

Idubbz is a faggot cuck and he will kill himself before 2021.

Good luck. I didn't even know who this dude is prior to all this and hes 100 percent a faggot bro. His gf is ugly and has ugly ass fake tits any ways.

I'll he laughing when they lose this horribly. If all the shit thats happened on this website in its 17 years of existence hasn't done shit to it. Then they wont do anything