Not spending quarantine time on a 400k acre ranch working remotely and hunting piggus and turkeys for a slow-roast...

>not spending quarantine time on a 400k acre ranch working remotely and hunting piggus and turkeys for a slow-roast king’s feast
How are you faggots holding up?

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>shit reticle/scope and cheap ass gun as evidenced by the bolt knob

What a fag. Bet your gun is chambered in something gay like 308 too.

honestly that's kind of my dream. live in a big ranch in some remote area, blast music/movies/tv at high volume. shoot guns without having any worry of about making noise of accidentally popping someone.

>.270 Weatherby Mark V with a Swaro Z8i 2.3-18x on a ringless Innomount
Oh I am laffin

i dont need a gun. I can buy pork at the fucking grocery store. too bad you losers must live in the 3rd world shithole where you have to hunt lol

Based and redpilled

Retard detected

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308 is such a boomer round

I would actually much rather kill my own food. Less of it would go to waste and it would teach me to value the land and it’s bounty more. Probably why I’m moving to a rural area soon and learning how to live that lifestyle.

Looks like south texas user? I'm slaying them in east tx. Wish I lived closer to south tex, what a place.

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Top bantz boomer

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You’re probably a bourgeoisie pleb who welcomed brown people into our country as cheap work. Fuck yourself, subhuman.

Little children detected. Enjoy your cover being concealment

What about parasites and diseases?
Does slow-roast help?

I just ate MC dons my sister brought home, should I be worried?

Nah nigger you’ll be wage cucking for life. You either live the life or you don’t. 20 years from now when you retire from goldbergs grocery store you’ll be ‘gonna doit soon’... you wasted your life GG

Just got done shooting pistol with my daughter (16). She is getting better, we worked holster draw mostly for fun today. About a hundred and fifty rounds each today.

Earlier we were cutting some paths through the woods, mostly just exploring for the fun of it. Finding forgotten locations.

In the morning we were working on our hogelkultur and getting some pots ready for some more strawberry's we have coming.

And, no, I'm not impressed by some larping bullshit.

She is built for bbc

That spotted one isnt a wild lmao that's a 600$ farm piglet you fucking redneck

>400K acre
So you own multiple states? fucking retard or kike.

She is fully redpilled and has no patience for niggers.

>400K acre
It's only a 25 mile wide square.

Baiting ? Lame dude

why did you shoot your dog?

I’m 29, faggot

Yessir, it is


Most of them don’t have parasites. Regardless, all that shit dies with cooking.

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post deeds and timestamp

>being this retarded


>dumb nigger thinks wild pigs cant be spotted

Do you know how pigs became wild retard?

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I take back my shit talking of the scope. Love the Z8i.

270 is still gay as AIDS, and the Weatherby Bolt Guns are meh.

Where's the can?
>unsuppressed bolt guns

Hey can I stretch your daughters little blank duuuuuude? Hey im talkin 2u
Men are better than stupid girls stop trying to turn your failure into a son
Lemme tap that you can leave us the house with some booze for the bitch for a night
Coolio beans, dad

brainlet here, what the fuck does that mean?

>Where's the can?
In my hand rn, says Bud Light on it ;)

In which case you have my respect.

What poverty tier scope is that...tasco? Bushnell?

Cheers friendo

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