Roastie cop executes black male in front of his baby momma
Be American
black lives don't matter
would fug
Well that video got nuked quickly.
there really are good cops out there you guys
Why she do it? Cause if the nigger pulled a gun or chimped out, then I get it, but if feeling are involved, I'd be very careful about who you are using to enforce the law.
for those of you that are too lazy, the video shows the cops hovering over the dead guy with the woman thats taping it chimping out. No action.
no way was that camera not rolling before the shooting. where's the rest of the footage
Who would be too lazy to read the comments, typically the best part
Put her on BLACKED.
no it didnt
Worked for me. You probably forgot to renew your video watching license bong
women shouldn't be in an form of law enforcement
Did that black male chimp out? Was it justified? Who is at fault here?
Looks like she was already on BRAINED
Subhuman trash detected in a subhuman trash country
>Did that black male chimp out? Was it justified? Who is at fault here?
He’s black. Why does it matter?
>Dey boutta shoot
>Oh sheeeeiit dat WorldStar tho
Why are black people like this?
You need to be 18+ to watch it, little fella.
So.... you're saying there is one less nigger? Sweet.
thank you user you are a savior
hooktube faggot
get shot
Built for BBC
>open link
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>try to embed
>disabled by the owner
well fuck you and your video op.
youtube is so pro-illuminati
One less, 3 billions more to go.
At least we actually broke free from the grasp of the British, bog-trotter.
Based roastie
Based.... show your flag, Chaim
gross. she should be home raising white babies instead of pretending to be a man
Tattoo women have lymphatic distress
The only thing i like about the US is seing black being executed.
If I was a Chief of Police or Sheriff, the first policy I'd implement would be no visible tattoos. That should be the biggest warning flag that someone shouldn't be allowed a position of authority, anywhere.
>uploaded 4 months ago
so what happened with this? I assume nothing came of it?