Ahoy anons, I've been applying some tin foil on my house to protect myself from 5G. Do you think I need to apply another layer or is it okay like this?
Ahoy anons, I've been applying some tin foil on my house to protect myself from 5G...
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Take your meds
you can't make a faraday cage that way, it has to cover the entire space, including floors and ceiling
the highest frequency band of 5g wont penetrate your hand, let alone the walls of your house.
The other 2 bands are already in use with 3/4g, you're a spastic wasting your time.
I'm thinking about covering the floor, walls and ceiling on the inside
Sorta Non related but I work nightshift and my window blinds had a gap Around the sides so they would let daylight in and it was kinda hard to sleep during the day.
So just duct taped sheets of foil together and taped them to the window... my next door neighbour saw foil on my windows and called the police, 10 police Officers came and searched my house for a hydro dope grow operation...
I’m in Australia and the police can do whatever they like without a warrant, So when I opened the door they pushed past me and searched my house... I sought legal advice but no luck, because they saw the foil on my window when they walked around my house And apparently that gave them probable cause for the search.
Straya cunt
Nothing wrong with your technique, it you need to make sure it is all well connected and grounded. Use aluminum tape with conductive adhesive to join seams, and attach a ground lead wire at least every meter or so which is connected to a hard ground. Otherwise there is no value in what you are doing.
know if your neighbor owns any other properties? sounds like someone looking to hit competition.
I'm glad the Australian authorities are effective. Although, that was hilarious to read.
They're going to fry your brain through the walls and the ceiling. Cover everything like this bro said
Nah, don’t think so.
I went and knocked on his door the next day and he sent his wife to answer the door, I literally just told them to grow a set of balls and if they had a problem raise it with me.
I had talked over the fence to him countless times and he seemed like a wimp, always asked to borrow my lawn mower to mow his tiny back yard because “it’s not worth going and spending money on one for the small patch of grass” so he seemed like an normal bloke.
Anyway a week after telling him to grow a set, I get a letter in the mail from a lawyer that said if I enter his premises or threaten him again, they will take a restraining order out on me.
Fucking cunt haha
I really enjoy mowing my lawns now for some reason.
>telling a male to be a man is considered a threat
what an absolute loser that neighbor is
Aussie cuck
esta merda funciona mesmo?
Claro que sim, user. Só tens de aplicar a quantidade certa.
I seriously hope you didn't only put it on your windows. You're gonna need to completely insulate your walls and roof.
No it doesn't. Don't put foil on your windows they'll crack. The heat from the foil it's going to damage your windows.
Tinfoil doesn't shield 5G. You need 3M-Velostat for that.
Qual é a quantidade certa?
E como é que colas isto tudo no chão e tecto sem depois se desfazer?
Há um documentário interessante na RT sobre "wifi refugees" acerca disto:
Dont forget to tinfoil your toilet. The waves can travel through pipes
won't this block every radiation?
won't this also stop internet wireless connection?
Tin or aluminium? Aluminium amplifies EM signals, it doesn't block them
Australia in general is...
Google Ben batterham ricky slater
Bloke woke to find a convicted sex offended standing over his baby daughters crib, they got into a fight, guy tried to run away and the bloke chased him down and broke his neck in the wrestle.... family of the home invader turns of his life support and the home owner gets arrested for murder and even if his charge is dropped to man-slaughter he still faced like 25 years in prison
if you want to block the deep state IoT magnetic hypnosis killgrid you need to use steel or possibly other FERROMAGNETIC materials, grounded obviously. aluminum is not ferromagnetic and does not block out the deep state IoT killgrid that is in your house wires
tin is "estanho" in portuguese.
how the fuck do you get that??
lol wut? do you know what a Faraday cage is?
Tin foil =\= aluminum foil
Tin foil is pricey.
I am deeply concerned about the schizos ITT
Tvbros are based tho
you need to do the walls too. Drywall does jack shit in stopping types of RF. Basically everything, including the ceiling. Floors are fine.
>buy a disco-ball too for added fun.
Fortunately 5G is largely blocked by oxygen so all you really need in your house is air. It also can't penetrate skin at all so if you have skin you're okay.
foil acts like an antenna and increases the strength of the 5g signal. have fun with your leukemia, user.
Dry wall stops a lot of RF.
You do realize that light is literally just a radio frequency, right?
Faraday was a character on Lost right?