Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - The End Is Near Edition

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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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Honorary pepe edition

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I made pic related recently

Attached: crush_communism.gif (1024x512, 1.33M)

Oh shit, I'm white.

Attached: 1586504799361.jpg (813x1024, 80.83K)

Pic related, it's me dining on a new KenFM video.

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Next time.

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Attached: kagmarine3.png (541x636, 31.82K)

Capitalism and Communism are different sides of the same coin. Fuck off.

This is what the average /Kraut/polfag looks like

Getting sleepy, but I'll have to stay up for 40 mins until the download ends. So...

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where does the meme say it's pro capitalism?
why are you upset by crushing communism?

Attached: burning_communist_flag.gif (467x324, 89.19K)

I don't agree with the content, but it's pretty alright. Keep it up, leaf.

What are you torrenting?

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Attached: Cobra-pepe.png (1200x760, 144.36K)

I'm not extremely enthusiastic about Trump either but I don't think anyone could reasonably argue that any democrat would be better. It's a matter of buying time to prepare before the worst comes (I'm not an accelerationist, at least before we're ready).

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>tfw cant decide if Nazi, Facist or Monarchist

Attached: bismarv_groyper.png (534x513, 159.9K)

It's just an OS + programs update.

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here, something you should be able to appreciate

Attached: burning_flag_antifa.gif (483x299, 161.28K)

I'm there with you

found one of these very rare scandinavian Muppet thingys

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Attached: kitterlazer.png (720x720, 352.57K)

Because that's, what Trump is, a capitalist, a big business puppet. I despise Communists and Capitalists equally, they're both opposed to the idea of a white nation.

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The image is titled cobra-pepe. This more closely resembles the brotherhood of nob from command and conquer. Specifically, tiberian suns first nod campaign fmv.


I've embraced the panties. I like Linux, but I need something that just works. No bully.

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Manjaro is pretty good for semi-experienced people but if you are just starting out I'd go with mint.

he's probably comfy, playing vidya in his cell

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That's okay, be pragmatic not dogmatic.

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/g/ Motto is "i want something that works"

and that Win10 works is a fact you cant fight

Attached: ARBEIT MACHT PEPE.png (1080x1082, 484.6K)

>bong Bong bong

Attached: bonk honk.png (482x364, 144.58K)

Issue is that I use a number of proprietary software that just doesn't run on Linux. If I have to emulate Windows to do my work, I might as well use Windows. If I was just browsing and doing normal stuff, Mint would work just fine.

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what's wrong with me?

Attached: Kompass_des_Lebens.jpg (427x426, 67.82K)

Worst won't come, if you play into their hands. Trump is a gate-keeper. He and his capitalism have to fail, for white nationalism to succeed.

too much 4chinz :D

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Whatever floats your boat.

I forgot, what do they use for minute? Bong = hour, that's clear.

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I can assume you're an accelerationist from your post. Correct me If I'm wrong. I'm not an accelerationist.

Why do you think most white people are ready for some kind of major collapse?

saved, thanks for my new favourite pepe fren

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Unpopular but true. WIn10 doesn't crash, doesn't slow down, updates don't fuck up my salad. No complaints in my 4 years of usage.

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What was his backstory?

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always a pleasure

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Nice to see someone has a brain.

What kinda software are we talking about here? If it's some legacy shit then chances are that you could run it via wine.

Good, now make it 3D including when we colonize other planets.

the shit just works.
smooth and easy. just cortana is a bit fucky but you can deactivate it very easily
still have 5-6 Windows 7 keys laying around which i can use to generate digital Licences for free - quite generous from microsoft if you consider that the "official" licence is around 159 bucks

really wanna try Win Vista and XP keys, i heard they work aswell

Attached: monster.jpg (1024x1024, 169.18K)

> Getting demographically replaced
> Hurr Durr space colonization

American brains, every damn time

he's probably comfy having his asshole widening-session in jail with his cellmate.

You know there's nothing I can do about the first one.

Ach du meine Goette
Die fucking corona virus hat in 2 monaten jeschafft was ihr besoffener penner nie schaffen
hatten koennen

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