Britain is finished. Press F!

Look at the state of this. This is an unironic minister in charge of handling the pandemic.

>REMINDER: there are people on Yas Forums right now who think the conservative party is somehow GOOD

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This is a rare video showing our rulers are naked psychopaths. They're carrying out a mass cull on citizens.

and pic related is still a 10/10 in bongland

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They basically admitted that with the herd immunity meme.
Although I find it hard to tell how much is psychopathy and how much is just complete incompetence. I'd guess it's a mixture of both in various levels.


Lol cos Piers is being a cunt and won't let her get a word in. She was fine in another interview.

British females are a fucking mess, christ.

Whole thing is pretty bad.

Piers annoys me sometimes but I think he's good here. He's only being a cunt because the woman he's talking to keeps avoiding the questions and filling up the time with irrelevant babble like politicians are prone to. It's a shitty thing they do to try to dodge further questioning.

lmao why does that journalist act like he's the King of England?

>'why are you laughing?'
She was either not caring or very nervous facing actual tough questions. Weak ass bitch either way.

He's a cunt but he asks the hard questions most don't. Some of his shit I don't agree with but he is spot on a lot of the time. He's overboard on this lockdown nonsenese though. Lockdown should be lifted right away and social distancing and keeping the vulnerable isolated as much as possible. Either way we are still fucked but the economy would not be as fucked if we had gone that way. People die every day. Why fuck us over for decades to come for a slightly higher death count than normal.

>comments disabled
The media are such cowards

The health service will be overloaded if they did that.
It's a fact that the best way to 'do well' in this pandemic is to massively increase testing, that's why Germany and South Korea and other countries have done better than the UK. So that has to come first before anything else in regards to reopening.

Tesing has proven to be unreliable though. And a short term rise in deaths from an overloaded NHS is fucking nothing compared to the damage it is causing society. Many more people will die from the economic crash than the short term death toll.


why are you people so bigoted? what's wrong with having a few muslims or indians? it's only like 5% of the country. the 12% of brown people is not a problem at all, only a racist would give a shit about something like race demographics.

he wrecked her but to be fair he is being a cunt
she should've said "I'm sorry I don't know the specifics of the Daily Mail's story, and as you know Piers they often run exaggerated headlines so I'd have to look into that."

she's attractive and has a good voice, fuck off commie

If you die of corona it is your own fault or because you are already too old to survive a flu. It is called personal responsibility.

The unreliable tests were the broken Chinese ones that were being handed out (in Italy for example). Germany had better testing because they had a big stockpile of supplies already.
Another problem, same they have in America, is that people are selfish and unwilling to stay indoors for a while. So I can only blame the government for part of the problem in that regard.

>only old people get it
Stop this meme. At this point nothingburgers are trying to say people in their 40s are elderly.

>"Piers has any political party campaigned to have hundreds of thousands of spare equipment on hand just in case"

morgan is a peace of shit
government clearly dont have enough tests

>government clearly dont have enough tests
He knows that, and that's the point he's making. That the government is very unprepared for this and even as late as March was allowing football games and concerts to keep on as normal. Which given the lack of preparedness is fucking terrible to the point that they might be actively trying to make the pandemic as bad as possible on purpose.


I'd go for the pale one desu

>Many more people will die from the economic crash than the short term death toll.

You sound like an American mate have a word with yourself.

Enjoy your Gates chip

God I love this. This is exactly why femoids should never be in politics. It's been fun and games for such a long time, but now when things are starting to get spicy "muh femoid empowerment" is starting to show it's face

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They bought 17m tests kits and can't use them as they're contaminated - i.e USED! Fucking chink bastards.

Literally no idea what you're chatting about mate. Enjoy sacrificing your grandparents to capitalism.

Then you have no place in the argument. Stay informed or stay asleep.