Islam: The Final Redpill?

Is Islam the final redpill?

>Redpilled on women
>Redpilled on jews
>Redpilled on jesus
>High emphasis on family life and avoiding degeneracy

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>not degenerate
shoo shoo mudslime jew

Redpill on circumcision.
Wait a minute, no they are fucking pedophiles.

clean up this site and report dumb, low effort slide threads like this.

Islam has always been philosemitic and allied with jews in their conquests of Christian lands. And if you ever met any Muslims you would realize that those rules about women are put in place to counter the undeniable fact that arab women utterly dominate their weak-willed and pathetic men. Seriously, their women are absolutely shameless and are driven entirely by their animalistic drive for men with strength and status, which frequently leads to them cheating on their husbands.

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Islam put very responsibility on God, is the religions of choice for inept cucks

What do you mean?

you know how the Bible says people had demons? is this one of them? how do you drive them out of humans as Jesus did?

>shilling for mudslims
Traitors get the rope first I guess

More proof this place is full of shit skins larping as nazis.

The reason whites turn to Islam to justify antisemitism is because whites are cowardly faggots when it comes to the jewish question. And the reason whites are such cowardly faggots on the jewish question is because they obey the white elites who suck jewish cock from the cradle to the grave.
It's called national socialism for a reason.
Stop obeying the white elite.

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yes, accept islam the last religion till the world ends

its an update to judiasm and christianity.

i bare witness that there is no God but Allah, and Mohammed peace be upon him is his messenger


Islam died in the 1920"
Because they kept their women locket up fucking little boys became a thing
which caused a lot of fucked up growne up men who fucked little boys.

The inbreeding is causing problems.

The rabid backstabbing asks a mussy how they feel about the Arabs.
just a few there more trust me many more.

Damn, I wish I could met one of those kikes one day, I'll probably murder her but still I'd like to know If can control myself

Islam was also made by kikes or at least they copy most of it, you are changing a kike religion for another, they are literally worshipping a cube of saturn, they even walk in circles around it, like you cannot be dumber than a Muslim.

Islam is a very good war religion on the other hand, but besides that is even weaker than Christianism.

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Yes, and its the only proper protection against the Anti-Christ. Pic related.

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the attitude of islam towards thought and science is 100% negroid. its fanticism witnesses a basic lack of IQ points. its proselytism shows how its worshippers aren't satisfied with it.

Nowadays people use 9mm bullets to drive them out.

google David Myatt

Mohammad was a redheaded childfucker.

Islam is a recent religion that oppresses women and turns men into savages. So no, Islam is not what the west needs.

>Muh black cube

You would take your religion from David Icke?
The Kaaba is meant to be a rectangle, according to its original blueprint and the explicit wishes of the prophet, PBUH.
None but the pagans *hint hint* have built/sustained it as a cuboid structure.

Ibn az-Zubayr said, "I heard Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) say, 'The Prophet said: "If your people had not quite recently abandoned the Ignorance (Unbelief), and if I had sufficient provisions to rebuild it [the Kaba], I would have added five cubits to it from the Hijr. Also, I would make two doors; one for people to enter therein and the other to exit." (Bukhari). Ibn az-Zubayr said, "Today, I can afford to do it and I do not fear the people.


Anyone else want to fuck that demon jew and watch her turn into a right wing trad wife?

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Islam is a cancer and we should kill all the muslim worshippers.

no, because it's still abrahamic

whenever i see a spazz post like this i assume it's a janny about to ban everyone lol

The only strong society is one that keeps women in check, even Plato knew this.

He seems pretty based honestly

Islam is curing the disease by killing the patient.

You are literally walking in circles around it like the ring of Saturn

You cannot be more retarded than a Muslim

Can we all report this goat fucker in order to get him banned so we don't have to be uncomfortable by reading his degeneracy about muhammad the pedophile.

1: Go to report
2: Select this user is underage

Islamically, it is not supposed to be a cube. This is well documented.

The only strong society is one that disciplines girls to become free and able to take on the world without fearing violence from men.

A woman's agency is none of your concern past adulthood.

If I was going to be a satanic cock sucker. There are better options I am white.

Hey Geert, project harder.

Why do the jews get 3 souls and worship 2 black cubes in kabbalah.

God I'd love to rail the asshole of that Jewish faggot.


>Be Satan
>Create a religion that strictly forbids usury, sexual immorality, sorcery, sodomy, idolatry, theft, murder, poor hygiene, disrespect to parents
>and commands you to give to the poor (2.5% of wealth per year), fast regularly, be good to your parents and family, maintain family ties, pray regularly, and do righteous deeds in general.

Take your meds.

and yet, muhammad still was a pedophile.

I dont get it tho, this trend of covering the eye when taking a picture, what is its origin? do judaism and christianity too says some details about dajjal?

This is not true tell the truth muslim brother.

You fucking shitskins need to get the fuck off my board.

Islam is an attempt to make stupidity a Religion. By saying Mohammed is the seal of the Prophets you are saying there is nothing left to learn on this Earth. Which. Just. Ain't. True.

But it's still a cube and to me you are worshipping Saturn.

a million times this, guys if you just know what bliss were living as muslims you'd all convert to Islam i swear, especially that pols views are close to Islamic views, its already built in humans even before theyre born, we call it "Fitra", you know that weird feeling when you see some gay stuff and you think to yourself "I really don't like this"

So many cucktians coping hard in this thread with their continuously recycled lies.

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Yes it is true. Hadith is in Bukhari.

Ibn az-Zubayr said, "I heard Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) say, 'The Prophet said: "If your people had not quite recently abandoned the Ignorance (Unbelief), and if I had sufficient provisions to rebuild it [the Kaba], I would have added five cubits to it from the Hijr. Also, I would make two doors; one for people to enter therein and the other to exit." (Bukhari).

Christianity already did this, and better because it wasn’t founded in a region of illiterates by a pederast.

salam, do you pray your 5 daily prayers brother?

Why don't we make ads with lesbian muslim couples? That'd cause a liberal meltdown

Then you would be pleasing Satan by believing his false narrative and sitting in the comfort of confirmation bias..thereby deluding yourself and wronging yourself. Congrats.

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We really need do get rid of these shitskins goat fuckers