Why are women like this Yas Forums?
Imagine if in 50 years her grandchildren discover this photo. We lived in fucked times.
Why are women like this Yas Forums?
Imagine if in 50 years her grandchildren discover this photo. We lived in fucked times.
>Why are women like this Yas Forums?
We gave them rights
>Imagine if in 50 years her grandchildren discover this photo. We lived in fucked times.
She isn't going to be having grandkids. We do indeed live in degenerate times.
Nobody will remember you in 50 years.
I'm really irritated by the resolution of this picture. The ass is a mess of pixels
I hope she sits on the pizza
>implying she will ever have a family
Easy simp money, that's why.
Ok, let me guess. That's not a girl and you're tricking me into being gay, right?
*sigh* it's all so tiresome.
Her granddaughter will probably need a speculum to take her own profile picture.
1. Not just women.
2. Who knows, maybe in the year 2070 people discovering this photo will wonder, why is she wearing clothes in work at all.
Imagine licking that sink
If I found a pic of my grandmother like this I'd probably jack off lmao
Id tap her. Op is a fag
its just a trend and they are being edgy
>Imagine if in 50 years her grandchildren discover this photo.
Imagine the smell.
i'm sure your grandma flashed her ankles at the boy from the farm next to hers at some point. dont be such a prude.
kek, i was banned a week ago for making a thread exactly like that picture for the same satire purposes, it seem strange to me that 2 bbc threads kept going and mine died after 15 minutes
wtf go back and make my pizza bitch. Its shit like this that makes my pizza late all the time.
>when the flat booty bitch with no ass tries to take a picture making it look like she has an ass
just yikes..
Her grandchildren will be greater degenerates than her such is life .
Why do incels have to make low quality threads every day
She’s desperately seeking Chad’s attention while also raking in money from orbiters. Women have no concept of loyalty or dignity so she doesn’t see anything wrong with it.
If this is what degeneracy looks like, then count me in! Traditionalism btfo
you see user when a boy and a girl like each other they put their penis and vagina together
sometimes when they cant do that because they are at work and/or physically seperated they will send sexual photograhps to each other
generally the longer you are teased the better the sex is
>oh user im at work at pizza shack
>here is a picture of my butt
>we can have sexual intercourse when i get home
>oh cool baby i cant wait, can you bring some pizza home too
weren't the hippies degenerates also?
and then things calmed down for them after a while
Man I'm horny for some coffee
Jannies and mods are confirmed fags
when BBC threads stay up, try posting straight white-on-white porn and watch how fast it gets banned
The sooner you realize 99% of women are useless retards who shouldn't be allowed to vote or hold office the better your life will be. Sure legally you have to treat them as a human and with respect face to face but they're all retarded whores. Every single one of them. All they know is to slap on makeup and shake their ass. A woman is nothing but a means to birth new humans. Men run the world.
she got fired lmao someone reported her
Statistically about 40% of American Millennial and Zoomer girls will never have kids so there's a 2 in 5 chance she'll never have grandkids lmao.
She won't have children, nevermind grandchildren and even if she did they would most likely be dysgenic racially mongrelised abominations anyway so it doesn't matter.
yup, disgusting.
Unstable and random all their lives.
Them being serious about anything is long gone.
Thank you jews.
>Imagine if in 50 years her grandchildren discover this photo.
Imagine jerking off to your grandmas ass.
It won’t matter !!! If you don’t do anything by 2066 you will be a demographic minority in your own fucking country. Join a nationalist movement now do your part.
Imagine in 50 years if your grandkids discovered your Yas Forums posts
put a finger up your asshole and smell it, there you go fucking idiot
>Imagine if in 50 years her grandchildren discover this photo.
Those little niggers won't even recognize her.
Very sanitary. Gentile women are dogs.
i don't think that this kind of women will have kids,
Slide thread hans choke on a sausage faggot. You know the answer
Would love to fuck that pizza hut girl from behind while she's wearing her uniform
They'd be proud I wasn't a degenerate zoomer
>Why are women like this Yas Forums?
You gave up God and were Jewed. This is your result.
Her grand kids won't recognize her because they're going to be black.
And the father who has the picture wouldn't be there to leak it to them.
Digits confirm a good time
The next generation of kids is beyond fucked. Imagine if you could pull up pics of your mom in her prime at any moment?
How many times do you think Castreau wanked it to his moms pics?
>pizza hut
does she fuck? I don't think she fucks
vaccines made her thin and sickly with a deformed personality
probably low libido, lesbian, like the majority of american women
Whats the point in wearing thongs like that at work?
You're basically not wearing underwear at that point, pretty nasty considering how hot the kitchen is and how sweaty you'll get making pizzas.
>imagine having a hot mom
based... so much better than fat boomer generation that just ate fastfood their whole life and never worked out
i want to fuck she
>Her grand kids won't recognize her because they're going to be black.
Nah she'll abort them.
kys nigger
Choose only one user.
Imagine having to use the sink and someones butthole has been all over it
Jannies are the ones making bbc threads
i would lick marinara sauce right out of her asshole while beating off furiously
life of 99% people doesn't matter, why should i care? Why should i care about some fucking thots ? Overwhelmed majority of people was, are and will be just a little cockroach
What comes after zoomers?
Why you guys are a bunch of insecure little btiches ?
"Uh duur we spoiled them and forgot to give them education so the problem is that they have rights,not that we fucked up when we dealt with them!!!"
You shouldn't do that. That's degenerate.
>Yas Forums user
Are they stolen?
>Angry roastie
>1 post by this ID
Lmao you think bitches like her think even a day into the future? Kids are slavery to these people aswell, they don't want to become grandmothers
Gentile men are such pussies.
I would tip extra for vaginal secretions.
Why is Yas Forums full of such retards? Is there a better board?
Thought the same
It's because this board is ran by rogue mods who collaborate with discord trannies to spam miscegenation propaganda here. They all think it's funny, they fanatically support the agendas of this Jewish New World Order and they naturally despise the Jew-wise userbase on this board.
She needs to get impaled on BBC
You would
I forget her name but she has cute little tits
I don't usually sit with my shitty ass on sinks, faggot.
there is nothing wrong with sexuality you fuckin moralfaggot