Why can't tucker understand that The Rich don't owe society?

Why can't tucker understand that The Rich don't owe society?

Attached: tucker-carlson-f-4.jpg (374x250, 17.11K)

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Why cant the rich understand that society dont owe tucker?

the rich and society have a reciprocal relationship, wherein each depends on the other for things.

U sound like a dumb trump voter

Because we live in a Rich.

The rich produces, the poor consumes - nothing more to it

i might be dumb, but please don't suggest that I've ever voted.
the rich also consume and the poor also produce

Why can't society understand that tucker don't owe the rich?

not to the same extent

The poor produce everything for the rich, the rich graft the wealth from the poor, racist trump voter. Wouldnt expect you to understand though

The Rich produce shit, this pandemic proves it. The world economy is built on the back of the working class.

The poor don't find businesses, they work for them. The credit goes to the founder of the company for being productive.
You did a fine job replying to me, not your fingers per se.
Whenever the rich take advantage of the poor, they are apprehended

the rich depend on everyone else not shooting them.

So the rich get rich because they can think, cool meanwhile the poor people slave away and actually PRODUCE the things

everyone depends on that

>if they don't close walmart..why am I not allowed to work a twelve hour shift in the office??
tucker is a simp

Anyone stupid enough to provide a fucking platform for a goddam lawyer wearing a white coat really should pause and reflect for a LONG time before pushing an agenda.

Anyone stupid enough to vote for an orange cheeto really should pause and reflect for a LONG time before living longer

They would not have been able to produce the things if they were not given the direction to produce the certain things
Be more conceptual

Lmao is every rich guy an entrepreneur/inventor in your eyes?

And the rich wouldnt be able to produce the things without others to act for him

Of course, not to the same type either, for example the rich are never producing human capital for wars, that's strictly a contribution of the poor to our society.

Trump cultists are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

Clearly they're the rich because they've produced certain value
The others that willingly choose to work for the rich. I'm pretty sure they would have become the rich themselves if they were as capable

Tucker Carlson is a pressure release valve to keep you retards flailing impotently at the wrong targets.

If you had half the brains you think you do you could have figured that out on your own.

Attached: tiresome.png (680x486, 472.98K)

>Clearly they're the rich because they've produced certain value


What do the rich produce? They're parasites.

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Then society doesn't owe the rich. See where that gets you, Latin America tier class warfare with right wing death squads duking it out with maoist types.

Bourgeoisie concern for the plight of the poor isn't altruism, it's a defense mechanism for the capitalist class to preserve wealth by giving lip service to the needs of the poor.

Personally, I prefer cooperation to contention.

again, the poor would have been in charge if they were as capable
also they don't force you into the military in your country last I heard

Most of the rich are traitors who shipped jobs to China.

his dumbfounded face is so well trained

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Kek this

Not really, because if someone tries to shoot me I just shoot them first.

The rich just flew over my fucking house

If there are people interested in your product, then you're producing value
It's one thing to allow the rich to take care of the poor through a bilateral contract, it's quite the other to coerce the rich to do so on the grounds of a 'moral obligation'

"The poor would have been in charge?" What is that a response to? Is english your first language, you're barely making sense.
The answer is in the definition of a rich person, they control stockpiles of resources, they draw resources from the system and then selectively feed them back. The rich consume wealth and produce funding. Everywhere you go you will find the projects of the rich

But you shoot them first so they wont shoot you, because you depend on not being shot. It's the same thing user.

U actually are dumb af.

yeah im filtering you faggots from now on.
you can reply to me but i won't see it.

I misread your post

Even lowest tier negers could make some company with stolen money.

You are alive and eating because of the rich. Be grateful that people better than you exist who can develop businesses and civilizations enabling the survival of surplus worthless flesh like you.

ok discord tranny.

LOl arent u some communist? Pretending that his ancestors were actually some clever people and not just pure subhumans who had nothing before ww2 and stole everything after fall of communism and now they act like successful people xD

So basically they're middlemen, middlemen can be replaced.