Why are hicks in the northern state of Michigan repping the treasonous loser flag they have no connection to?

Why are hicks in the northern state of Michigan repping the treasonous loser flag they have no connection to?

Attached: 74DDF44C-061C-4DD9-9BA5-6284AADA7699.jpg (680x460, 77.16K)

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Its a flag of white rebellion.
Farmers in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands used it too some months ago when they were doing their tractor protests.

Fuck off you retarded nigger, take your worthless libshit opinions and stuff em up your ass

Facts aren’t opinions

Attached: 46389238-62FC-4B42-90B8-E33D884F0364.jpg (1242x2086, 704.56K)

Also, what exactly is the “opinion” in my post? Fool.

>da confederates was bad
Thats your worthless libshit opinion

no i think he means youre a yank... flying the rebel flag.

It's turned into that but OP is a loser faggot calling in treasonous. It's as treasonous as the 13 colonies flag and the flag you fly today by that retard logic.

Its the flag of slavery not white rebellion. Whited were killed en masse to protect slave holding oligarchs

Because white people are ignorant trash that believe their own lies.