If Hitler was right about slavs than why did he lose to them?
If Hitler was right about slavs than why did he lose to them?
stop spamming these shitty threads you motherfucking retarded memeflag idiot.
He didn't really hate them. He just needed space for the germans to live and they were in his way.
A filthy subhuman p*lack
Kill yourself you brown shit
IIRC, he actually said nice things about them. I think the only people he genuinely hated were the jews and rightfully so because they tried to destroy Germany like they did to Russia in 1917.
Hitler thought what Slavs and jews are subhumnas, and he lost to them. Fucking lmao what a looser
>invade Poland without declaring war
>in response Britain and France declare war
>this means they started the war
What a hell is that supposed to be?
This is pretty funny coming from a literal subhuman shitskin. Pathetic brown incel shit with muh jew conspiracy
Because it was the West who destroyed Third Reich. Even if Hitler defeated USSR, USA would simply nuke Berlin and all concentrations of German troops.
Cardinal rule. Never fight a war on two fronts.
>replying to someone who fielded all herbs
way to show your minority loving hand
merican-born Russian here with strong history/ties to Russia.
Hitler was right. Among other negative associations, Slavs are predisposed to psychopathy and a slave-like disposition akin to what you'd find in Asiatics. The only unique, redeemable quality we posses as an ethnic group relative to the Asiatics is the ability to function well (with the metric for that being resemblance to western europe) under the rule of non-Slavic Europeans.
Any perception to the contrary almost always stems from the conservative EE praxis- but that too reflects more poorly on us than not. An impoverished, brutish, anti-intellectual, non-idealistic, overly-mystical society might foster a pretty right-wing ethos, but to what end? It's all just a different variation of garbage, one which is ultimately orders of magnitude less conducive to fulfillment and happiness than what's on offer anywhere else in the West proper.
In the East there's just this pervasive nihilism and pessimism that's inescapable, and it's been around since you could start qualifying "slavic culture" as its own entity (ergo, before communism), unique from the rest of Aryan civilization. There's an omnipresent feeling of death and misery, with no light at the end of the tunnel, ever. The countries in that part of the world are all different variations of the same corrupt, jewish, kleptocratic hellhole, filled with miserable, jealous, petty, and jaded people who will take any opportunity they can to fuck someone over for personal benefit.
Because Slavs are superior.
American funding.
A retarded or what leaf
>this thread again. JPG
>>in response Britain and France declare war
Russia invaded Poland too why didnt uk and france declare war on russia?
show your flag
why do all Jewish Slavs have the same aesthetics?
My photo isn't jewish moron but that one sure is
No, they would have joined him. You need to re-examine history. The West died with Hitler. The US was ready to shake hands with whoever won the struggle in WW2.
>Retarded post
because hitler was a zionist stooge
Have you ever fought 4 men at once? It's pretty tough. Kys faggot
Trust me, you are the retard. The US was waiting to see who the decisive victor between Nazi Germany and the USSR was before choosing a side. The US was constantly being criticised at the time for being silent for so long during the majority of the war.
>germans claim to be the master race
>meme themselves being 'Aryan' despite germans having nothing in common with Iran
>leadership consists of literal goblinos, full of drug addicts and degenerates
>main guy is a subhuman by his own beliefs due to having parkinsons
>declare a massive war to prove their point of being superhuman
lmao you cant make this shit up
Because that was the plan of figures bigger than him.
lmao yes its everyone else's fault that he lost
>da joos
remind me who installed communists in Russia.
remind me who was one of the first countries to recognize the Soviet Union.
remind me who trained and armed the early Red Army.
remind me who signed numerous secret treaties, as early as 1921, with the bolsheviks.
remind me who, despite overtly claiming to be the enemy of the commies, continued the cooperation with the Soviet Union.
remind me who literally allied with Stalin to invade a famously anti-communist country that has singlehandedly saved the continent from Red plague two decades prior.