Biden is going to win the Midwest states that switched from Obama to Trump. Hillary performed poorly in those states, Biden performed well. Trump cannot win without those.
Biden is going to win the Midwest states that switched from Obama to Trump. Hillary performed poorly in those states...
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Why is it even fucking called the midwest? It's more northern than anything, and most of the states considered midwest are closer to the east side of the country than the west.
Yes, President Joe Biden.
free healthcare for illegal immigrants during a pandemic and a nigger woman VP. not going to happen.
traditionally everything west of appalachia is the the west. but there's a lot of west, so you have to delineate it.
it's from the perspective of the original colonies.
OP has casual sex with men.
Biden can easily defeat Trump. My money's on him.
>Illinois 19%
I wonder what they consider themselves if they consider themselves something other than Midwestern.
I consider Illinois to northern Michigan as far east as the Midwest goes while maybe eastern Montana down to central Oklahoma (not including Wyoming or Colorado) being the western border. It would probably be more of a "Midwest" if Texas wasn't so persistent in wanting to consider itself it's own separate region.
All Biden is going to win is some jail time.
Exactly. They are Mid East, or North Mid East.
My prediction Biden V. Trump
Id change NC and PA to red
MI, OH, IN, IL, and WI are Midwest
PA is East.
KY is South.
WV is WV.
All that other shit west of the Mississippi is Central.
MN maybe could be an honorary Midwest state.
How is biden going to win back all the coal miners, factory workers and fracking guys that his policies would put out of business by sucking china's dick? Where are these other voters coming from that you think will save him?
Not only will Trump win all the states he won in 2016 in the midwest, he will also win Minnesota as rural areas such as the Iron Range have shifted 15-30% more Republican since 2016
>Since 2016 the gap between Reps and Dems in PA has closed by another 100k
>800k advantage for Dem registration
>will likely fall to 700k by next year
>Democrats won in 2012 with a 1.2 million advantage
>in 2012 when Dems won Florida they had a 550k advantage in voter registrations
>this shrunk to 350k in 2016 when they lost to Trump
>in December 2019 the Dem advantage was less than 200k
>will likely shrink to as little as 150k by the election
Democrats have no pathway to win based on these registration numbers, WI, PA and FL are the game. Registration numbers directly correlate to winning/losing elections, Democrats need a much larger advantage to win.
In addition consider that PA Democrats are more likely to vote for Trump than nationally.
In case you're wondering why Dems don't get 4 million votes in PA when they have 4 million registered, it's because dead people can't vote.
Those moderates in the suburbs love sexual predators who act nice to the grandma, Trump's fucked
PA ain't ever going red again. NC will go blue because Niggers LOVEEE Biden and there's enough niggers in NC to flip it. It is a swing state after all.
Form the Reich.
Bribe them with Trumpbux
Trumpbox won't help
NC will go red specifically because there aren't enough niggers to overcome the fact that Western NC where all the coal miners live is going harder and harder right after historically being a Democratic stronghold. You're actually retarded. Obama won in 2008 by the smallest of margins, Biden isn't more loved among niggers than Obama is and doesn't have the rednecks Obama did. It's over, retard.
I'd love to be wrong but you really don't understand how fantastically retarded coal miners are. They vote for whoever their union tells them too and the unions say to vote left wing.
and hes puttng his name on paper ones so the niggers know who is paying them
>AZ blue
blease no
They are just retarded people who probably think Nevada is the Midwest because of its literal geographic location.
Arizona is California 2.0 it's less than 50% white, it's been getting bluer every year.
Biden is a chinese asset, a xi puppet. Theres no way he wins the rustbelt with that hanging around his neck.
Being this delusional.
>actual statistical facts are "delusions"
>posting unsourced, uncited bullshit which has no basis in historical patterns of registration spikes for the winning party "sounds about right"
Fuck off, rebbit.
Your post makes no sense because coalcucks would have trended leftwards in 2016 and Trump would have lost if that was the case, the fact is that since 2012 it's been trending red because Western NC coalcucks have been voting red. These are facts.
AZ is 54% white
if he doesn't shit his pants in delirium on live tv
Fucking beautiful, have a (you)
>The NC swing state meme
Obama beat John McCain by half a cunt hair in 2008 when he won by 7.2% nationwide. Sure, it'll turn blue in another imaginary blowout, but it's not going blue in a world where Wisconsin stays red.
Who is more likely to turn out the vote during a pandemic? Weak ass Democrats? BZZZZZZTTT. Try again.
Interesting. What do you make of the polling that consistently has Biden 2-5 points ahead in these states?
_any_ (D) that runs starts with this map - its theirs to lose