Heroes. Every single one of them.
Coronavirus nurse appreciation thread
dancing clowns
that doesn't look like social distancing to me.
Attention whores who do a shitty job for the most part.
H(er)oes every single one of them
Wow, ok. Real mature (Y). Quarantine must be getting to all of you.
Stunning and brave.
What annoys me the most about all this is how nurses are getting like 99% of the fellating and praise about being heroes. What about all the other types of healthcare providers, clinicians, technicians, and other staff that are working in hospitals and other healthcare settings right now?
The cringe is too strong
Real Heroes
I read that as: Herpes. Every single one of them.
>literal braindead retards incapable of making it to university let alone medical school
>do almost nothing except failing to get a vein hit on a patients arm so they call in the doctors to do it for them
>clean patients shit and take vitals
epic jobs nursefags
>dumb bitches wasting ppe, supplies, time, getting all their clothes filthy before touching patients
nurses need to die
To be fair a health care or technical program in 2 year community college is significantly more difficult than most majors in a 4 year liberal arts school.
What the fuck kind of person do you have to be to actually pose like the last supper just because the media is putting you on a pedestal.
being a nurse cant be that difficult since women can do it
Thinking about disrespecting nurses? You're gonna have to go through this dude first.
Obviously not. PPE shortages are a serious issue however. If enough staff refuse to work due to inadequate PPE, everyone is going to have a problem. One benefit to this pandemic is that even the lowest info types within US nursing are seeing how broken and compromised various authority structures are - from the CDC, the top-heavy hospital administration, and down to the impotent and corrupt regulatory groups and agencies. And their immediate management in large portion as well.
>not all heroes wear capes
It's like juggling. Most any task in nursing is fairly simple, but the hard part is keeping them all going and knowing which balls can't be dropped. And effective nurses catch things and bring them to the attention of physicians quickly.
Good one.
Patient Zero
This one is pretty good though but then again I'm an absolute ass man so maybe I'm just biased.
Pray for her
>I did something stupid
Better post it on the internet for thoughts and prayers.
I would have sex with all of those women.
Physically yes, the tasks are simple. It's just remembering which tasks to do in which situation and remembering all of these tasks while you're doing other tasks and getting more tasks put on top of you. Probably 90% of anons in here would crack under the pressure.
Powerful. In my thoughts and prayers.
So are grocery store workers, even more so as none of them signed on for this shit. Yet none of you trendy virtue signaling faggots ever does a post like this for the grocery store workers who now risk their lives daily for shit pay, just so you faggots can eat your preferred foods. Some grocery storer worker girl just died of COVID and her last paycheck was barely $20. Twenty fucking dollars for her life, so you faggots who haven't prepped can keep stuffing your stupid fucking faces with comfort foods of your choice. Fuck you.
I have never seen better propaganda.
Bravo commie scum.
The real heroes
Wow. I am so glad that even in these hard times we can stay strong and stick together. Keep calm and carry on. Our grandparents would be proud.