Jimmy posted a new video and blitzkrieged the Obama/Biden cucks. You short term memory faggots.
Obama and Biden Fags BTFO
fuck off jimmy
Nobody cares what jimmy dore thinks
Hi Jimmy, Did you pay reparations to the families of the cops that were killed by your fan that took your proclamations of shooting at police to heart?
have you ever met a person who has a jimmy dore reptile laugh? he just forces air out of his lungs as fast as possible
what does it mean
This guy is pretty based for a lefty
Ah. Prefer to suck from the liberal teat of CNN I see.
Beats the fucking echo chamber that is slowly becoming Yas Forums
Yep. I like to listen to him to get a different perspective. DESU he isn't all that far off from a centrist republican.
Why would anyone be expected pay reparations for the actions of a another? If someone beheaded or otherwise took physical actions against Trump would Kathy Griffin, Robert Deniro, Snoop Dogg or a plethora of others pay reparations or for that matter apologize? Go back to sucking BBC faggot.
Hah I was busy listening to this when I saw this thread.
Yeah he is tearing Obama apart, as well as Biden. And it's pretty brutal.
But he is simultaneously supporting Bernie... lol. The same Bernie who betrayed his supporters.
4 years or 8 your house of cards will come tumbling down
Jimmy has been shitting all over Bernie recently. Jimmy Dore is literally a natsoc
Jimmy is so fucking gay
He's a bit of a Bernie bro through and through. I think he's holding reservations that Bernie will be announced as VP running mate.
I mostly just enjoy that he has the balls to call out the glaring faults on the left and the right. He doesn't sit and shill political parties. At least not as bad as some
tried to listen to it. this guy needlessly swears constantly. its annoying and his takes aren't even that good.
So is your anal cavity.
What's your point?
Did you get offended faggot.
Maybe your wife’s boyfriend can help you.
Yas Forumsgressives
that was pretty based
Made it to 12 minutes. This fuckin spaz is infuriating. He keeps going on and on about all of obama's problems but it doesn't click with him why every democrat is disappointing. Then to ensure we know he's not a trump supporter he simply assigns a negative value to trump's accomplishments.
>Trump IS the establishment
So the coke brothers are hella stoked their illegal immigrant workers are being deported?
>He's making them trust government LESS
Yeah by being untrustworthy DURRRR come one man!
>2 + X = 4
>Don't just assume the answer is 2 because the math adds up. What if math is wrong? Let's guess and check every other number except 2 first. Eventually its gonna work and i can live in a socialist utopia where I can lounge forever alone in a compartment.
a natsoc that wants open borders. kind of impossible.
try the hill it’s basically jimmy dore done by professionals without the swearing
>coke brothers
Koch brothers, and one of them is dead.
They were being deported under Obama as well. Both are establishment.
>Yeah by being untrustworthy DURRRR come one man!
Believe it or not, but not everyone is a tinfoil hat wearer.
built for BBC
>DESU he isn't all that far off from a centrist republican
I'd say given everything he's said he's pretty far from a centrist republican. He's actually seemingly center left. Also, I really wish people would learn to discern the difference between political wings and parties. The two aren't exactly mutually exclusive. Especially if you're a believer of the horseshoe theory.