Americans unironically believe this assasult rifle was made for hunting. I love you burgers...

Americans unironically believe this assasult rifle was made for hunting. I love you burgers, but sometimes you guys are truly retarder, kek

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Assault rifle? What that?

Eurofag. Assault rifle bans start at 15. "Assault Rifle 10's" are okay because they are only 10 not 15.

i love when memefags post about shit they know nothing about

this. can you explain OP? what exactly do you mean?

No one thinks that you illiterate euro dipshit
the second amendment is to protect citizens from the government
Why dont you focus on your own shitty country for a change? I hope we pull out of nato who un and anyother tax payer sink hole, we cant fuck off from you pupompus faggots soon enough

Yes I do.

Made for hunting gooks.


it was made for killing and you have the right to defend yourself and your property you dumb fucking plastic knife id showing faggot


Its a tool with many uses meme faggot

I see that new American bait is working well.

Its for hunting niggers like you

Who cares what it's for, the important thing is that you shouldn't be barred from using one.

Europeans unironically believe their governments have their best interests at heart.

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Stop falling for this bait you retarded amerinigger

You can still buy assasult rifles idiot.

It was made for hunting.

Self defense is also a valid reason to own a firearm. Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting specifically

It was made for hunting the most dangerous game.

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about faggot, cut your own throat.

What's an assault rifle?

slope slaying salt waifu

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Cope harder. You will never experience what it feels like to own, use and operate firearms.

>made for hunting tyrants

My hopes are getting higher for the big igloo

>Americans unironically believe this assasult rifle was made for hunting.
No asshat there is not such thing as an assault rifle. I must note guns are made for killing always have been, always will be, they are made to keep one safe from those who choose to take that which is not theirs. Hunting is merely to obtain food, in which case a gun is an efficient tool. Also good at keeping the government honest.

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Nobody thinks they were made for hunting. We own them for DEFENSE AGAINST GOVERNMENT and SELF PROTECTION, you fucking retard.

Wtf, I still don’t know what an assault rifle is reeeeee someone essplain!!

Who cares most euros actually think like op
Idk where this 'european solidarity' comes from, we should go back to being isolationists and fuck off from their shitty continent

ok jew

This CBU-97 was made for hunting

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Hinting the blacks hiding in your house.hunting your fantasy of death in noble circumstances to a true advisory. Hunting a lie more exciting then the one I have. Hunting dreams of killing terrorists.

It does plenty of hunting.

Is this an AR10?

Quote the part of the 2nd amendment that mentions anything about hunting.
The 2nd amendment is all about giving citizens the ability to murder tyrants, period.


Guns are tools for many purposes user.

You do realize humans are still animals and military rifles are made to kill humans, ergo made to hunt

It was absolutely made for hunting. People.

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based Ted Nugent disproves your faggotry, OP

I have that rifle chambered for 450 Bushmaster. Do you know anything about guns faggot?

>1 post
Bad b8 try harder

It's for hunting tyrants, dumbass.

explain how memeflaggot

It was made for hunting communists, you should be worried.

Shills truly are out in full force today

>be Swiss
>apply for $50 permit
>purchase select-fire rifle/carbine of choice after approval

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>optimal for home defense because the right .223 rounds pack a punch while minimizing wall penetration, and it can easily house a 30 round magazine
>optimal for hunting because you can fire it in semi automatic
>optimal for fighting an invading army or tyrannical government because it is more suited for outdoor gunfights than a shotgun or handgun is
It literally does everything, why would I not want one?

i wish we could have guns

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imagine making fun of someone for having rights that you dont have lolwtf

>apply for 50 euro permti
>get denied for no reason
>they keep your 40 euro

We need them to hunt traders that dont keep their oath

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>this assasult rifle was made for hunting.
it most absolutely was, Tyrants not deer

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I identify as a well regulated militia.

You/ do no so-called assault rifle's are far less powerful than hunting rifles right???????????????????????????????????.

You can’t just move to Switzerland, you gotta be borderline rich as a forginer if you wanted to move there. Plus the way Europe is going I’m sure Switzerland won’t be based forever.