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Deaths are irrelevant.
>i-it only infects chinks
>i-i-it doesn't infect white people
>i-i-i-it doesn't kill white people
>i-i-i-i-it only kills white people who were so old and sick they were going to die anyway
>i-i-i-i-i-it's expected that some healthy young white people are going to die from this
Nothingburgerfags BTFO since Day 1.
Overlay the number of daily tests against these data points.
It is exactly as it should be. Deaths on average are 11 days from symptoms. 11 days ago was the peak of new infections. 11 days from now the deaths will be much lower. baka
>we are just ahead of the curve
>but we are doing pretty fine compared to Italy
>if we assume the EU has 100 Million less people than the USA instead of 100 Million more, the EU has 100 Million less people!!!!
Tell me, do you actually, personally, know someone who's died from this? I know at least 4 who got it and recovered just fine.
No, I won’t.
Yeah stop hiding inside you chicken shit faggots..
None of the data align with my own perceptions.
Hopefully mass gathering protests against lockdowns will aid to help more infections and keep it going to kill more people..
Can see them Only getting bigger and better
>most of those deaths were old deaths from the past few weeks (((retroactively))) added as corona deaths.
>you don't need proof of patient having corona to put cause of death as corona
y-yes guys it's happening we're sooo fucked I just want my mark of the beast chip and collect my neet money.
Post demographics
>Tell me, do you actually, personally, know someone who's died from this?
I only know one person who died from cancer, but I hear that's a big deal.
Lol. Put more power into the lie. Weak willed people falling for a strong delusion
Deaths literally do not matter to me as Democrat shitheads are counting everyone in some hospitals as Corona deaths. What matters are known infections.
>Comparing a viral infection to years of genetic damage
> 0.2% of US population infected so far
> 0.0085% of US population killed so far
> mostly concentrated in few places
> huurrr duuur I don’t know anyone that was killed, must be fake
I don’t know anyone personally that died on 9/11, it still happened.
lmao why not, because it exposes your fake recovery?
>imagine hiding from microbes
What are you talking about? When this is over, your economy will be primed for domestic production, consumers will be more willing to support/pay more for Made in America products, Trump will (hopefully) seek retribution against China, the WHO will be weakened, the dangers for globalization-at-all-costs will be brought to light, Americans will rally against China once and for all, the list goes on.
These things will surely happen, unless of course apathy takes over and/or the hoaxfags control the narrative and take the steam out of any nationalist movement that will naturally arise from this. You're unknowingly trying to destroy the lessons and changes that will come out of the biggest happening in generations.
Yeah we'll all be back to normal here soon. Just 2 more weeks and you'll see this was just a nothingburger.
2 more weeks! You'll see!
Liberty or death
Death stats are the only stats you should pay attention to. Daily cases are meaningless, because they're dependent entirely on burgers being able to get tested, which isn't possible for everyone.
Deaths on the other hand don't discriminate. If your death rate is still rising, you're on the wrong end of the curve.
I've only known one person to die from cancer though, so it must be a hoax perpetrated by the governments to curtail industrialization and freedom of choice, along with Big Pharma and the healthcare industry. Any data you present will not conform with my personal experiences and observations, hence you are a shill.
I've also never actually seen a virus firsthand, so I wonder if they are even real. I don't know anyone who has ever had a heart attack, what about those? I've also never been to Africa, so I wonder if that's a globalist hoax conspired to siphon off money from countries to fund so-called "aid".
I do. 5 of them in NJ. Work with one of the guys. And we're still open for business.
Just wait for the easter spike
This, but unironically.
Depends on if they only count tested deaths. The government is very insistent on covering up how bad it is.
>Deaths on the other hand don't discriminate. If your death rate is still rising, you're on the wrong end of the curve.
This isn't true though. Death rates represent infections from 1-2 weeks ago at least. Death rates are also indicative of the affected populations, eg 25+ people dying at one old age home is different than 25+ people dying in your neighbourhood.
Are you the Germanon that posts all of the graphs of various countries? Thanks for what you do
How can you fucking people breath. Jesus Christ I'm surrounded by 105 IQ midwits who can't think or they believe in too much without evidence. You're just part of this church of coronavirus panic and you won't listen to logic. Seriously, analogies have to make sense, they can't just be childish tantrums comparing 2 completely different things.
Always over the horizon isn't it?
Memeflag foreigners get the rope first
>deaths "with" covid-19
yes, covid-19 bludgeoned to death the poor victim
They also have no clue about confounding variables
It will not be flattened, the whole thing is just dragging out the inevitable.