Indian anons

Indian anons,

Ex-muzzie paki here, should I take the hindupill? I've been looking at it for a while now.

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The only pill you should take is cyanide.

>from worshipping one god to worshiping rats and elephants

How about the science and rationality pill

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Yeah, god created the ro-bawt

Can you show your flag so I know I’m not wasting my time with a memeflag pajeet?

you're too simple to understand logic m8

got a vpn though

Attached: clip+(2020-03-20+at+03.05.35).jpg (1129x1200, 416.05K)

Ah, ok. What exactly have you looked into?


I was thinking of taking the muzz pill and only because of men's rights in Islam. I dislike the jihad and terrorism stuff though

Modern Hinduism is a mess now, so best to avoid. But don't fall into the trap of another Semitic poison. Buddhism maybe?

i'm reading about tantrik esotericism. Seems legit to me.

kys ameridum


Take the Christpill user.

The concepts of karma and dharma, the meditation, pretty much just the surface of it.

look into advaita instead, or buddhism. mystical christianity too. they all share the same basic teachings, just in a different cultural wrapping.
look into the perennial philosophy by aldous huxley

Take the sikh pill or an hero muslim scum

I've been looking at buddhism as well. The teachings seem pretty similar, and it doesn't have the weird elephant god and cow stuff either.

Hmm, never really learned much about sikhs except for the guru and monotheism stuff. What are their basic beliefs?

That’s pretty much the gist of it. I’d take a look at the Vedas, Rigveda, and Upanishads too. That’s it. There’s no formal conversion process anyway, so if you’re living a Dharmic lifestyle, you can call yourself a Hindu, even without any ritualism or formal worship.

It’s basically more condensed.

No become a Christian

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Have you read the Gita?

What part of India are you from?

Die apostate

this too

None, I’m a Nepali Brahmin.

>brit flag

If you want to worship the same demons the elites do sure.

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nah that's bullshit too like all organised religions

Totally. Hindusim is what's keeping this nuthouse of a planet sane.

>organised religion
It’s literally not though. No founder. No official holy book. No one set of rules to follow. There are even atheistic schools of it like someone mentioned Advaita.

Go tell your local mullah you are leaving the faith.

As long it's not Islam, everything is fine.


Come home poo man.

Attached: EAVB_cVU0AAzsLf.jpg (1063x1057, 351.62K)

yes please come now. let us celebrate by lifting our dress and shit where we stand.
Thank you, come again

Why not buddhism?

Buddhism is just more focused on concepts like karma and meditation. Hinduism is the more expansive version.