Ann coulter retweets a Yas Forums post

How likely is it that Ann browses here?

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She probably posts half the bbc crap here

more importantly, does she know that post is just a LARP

Stupid bitch took this bait

She regularly posts in /lit/.

Based shitposter.

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niggers tongue my anus

t. Ann Coulter

Shut the fuck up new fag

based. imagine anne cunter upvoting your Yas Forums post.

this kek

Your post, the tweet, and the post in the tweet were all made by Ann

I'd sniff her anus
t. Joe Biden


I've been here since 07' and I don't even know.

user, I...

I wish my family had the money to send me to Berkeley, or I was black enough to get free gibs


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Ann, tits or gtfo

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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Hilarious that normies can’t easily see some quality Shitposting. Hopefully they shut this place down soon and release us to the wild so our shitposting can spread coronastyle.

Nobody likes you old whore

What if I Larp as Ann Coulter on Yas Forums. Thanks for the tip.

BOOM. Headshot.

I would say 100% likelyhood. Also half the BBC comments are made by Ann.

Only a fool would believe that weak legal disclaimer.

she's just re-shit-posting what someone else on Twatter posted. ann is too much of a narcissist to bother posting anonymously especially on some site that caters to schizoids and basement dwellers.

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>tweeting some larping fagit
peak boomer

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t. projecting cucknadian

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Would imagine so, but at the same time she realizes that the majority of twitter will take it seriously.

obvious joke, yes, but retarded people will think it's real
liberals are easy to influence, just shoop a cap and enjoy the shit fest