UK hate general

UK hate general queen cock suckers need not apply

>need a license for everything
>thinks butterknife is a weapon
>let's women's face get acid thrown on it by mudslides
>everyone has chink teeth for no reason
>basically controlled the world le epic empire but got lazy and couldn't even keep countries on its leash
Imagine being a fucking brit lmao

>"oi you little mutt bugga enjoy your gun illegal to lock up yeah? I bet ye British p*rson made you wake up at the wrong side of the bed ye?"

I live on the w*st coast and I have never seen a British person in my entire life. However, I can telepathically tell that all British people are stuck up little secret chink faggots

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png (1200x600, 5.03K)

No need to hate them, they have decided to become extra communitarian like nigger, sand nigger, peenigger and niggaburger.


Attached: 1582969784953.jpg (1080x1194, 1.17M)

fuck the uk
t. migrant

I don't hate them. They used to be the most based country in the world.

Attached: Alice Grant (2).jpg (1536x2048, 717.55K)

I say, you are a bit of a faggot, old chap.

All rise for a roll call of Her Majesties Dominions and Crown Colonies.
First, the Dominion of Canada

Attached: EED4A695-4F2C-4002-8499-6A5ACBCE9897.png (1920x960, 101.77K)

The province of Newfoundland

Attached: 71886E71-0F66-40C7-A0F4-C0F1ECB55BD5.png (1920x960, 108.64K)

The province of Nova Scotia

Attached: 58120E59-7468-4764-A3C1-E9C0E3F11037.png (1920x960, 90.27K)


The province of New Brunswick

Attached: AF7AEEFE-4287-4766-ADD1-D3A45A029C18.png (1280x640, 64.12K)

>However, I can telepathically tell that all British people are stuck up little secret chink faggots
God, I wish that was me

Attached: RussianTranny.jpg (525x720, 84.98K)

>I live on the w*st coast

Attached: 1539898924626.jpg (312x312, 46.35K)

Fuck the UK!


The province of Prince Edward Island

Attached: A0768B6A-7CBD-467C-A901-A1E747EA2BE8.png (1000x500, 105.69K)

this is really a russian tranny?omg, very fuckable

The Province of Quebec

Attached: 8A0A40A7-321D-478C-B328-ED0E6040FCCD.png (1920x960, 72.59K)

This country was never based; colonialism was Brits escaping, only for the House of Hannover to catch up with them and claim those colonies. The working people here were treated like utter shit, and still are. Example, at the height of the empire, we had 40% literacy rates, while America had over 90%.

The province of Ontario

Attached: 672392E5-F4D1-4F67-A5B4-099430D0905E.png (1920x960, 47.53K)

Pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

Attached: 1586244362841m.jpg (960x1024, 148.12K)

The province of Manitoba

Attached: CA1AA073-81CD-4926-8DEF-25BB78C04AFB.png (1920x960, 65.9K)

The province of Saskatchewan

Attached: A2CB085D-BF2C-4D11-BEBE-89943D6FACC4.png (1200x600, 46.28K)

The province of Alberta

Attached: E71BCC98-E4C6-406F-931F-DD37E8887798.png (1200x600, 49.37K)

The province of British Columbia

Attached: FFA77B45-F873-4D8F-B8B6-B705F05A9F15.png (1920x960, 97.17K)

No more brother wars.

Your commitment to this is pretty impressive; pointless but impressive.

The Commonwealth of Australia

Attached: 4D5126E4-9E26-4CAC-95E6-1FF54DFD1B98.png (1920x960, 43.31K)

Smells of cabbage ITT.

The State of New South Wales

Attached: 3753FA7B-B89E-4109-AF61-2206C89D5F6D.png (1920x960, 49.25K)

The State of Queensland

Attached: 5F388CCA-32AD-4805-8BDB-5C32995F122F.png (1920x960, 70.35K)

I never did understand why the news keeps talking about Prince XYZ all the time, are the UK princes still relevant or complete nonfactor celebrity titles?

The State of South Australia

Attached: 59803BA4-AE5E-49FA-A595-71AF856B87E8.png (1920x960, 59.45K)

The british abandoned millions of their people in a hostile country with no right to return. They laugh about it, and rabble at the thought of their own blood being surrounded by enemies. They are the true definition of self white hatred.

The State of Tasmania

Attached: B973A4A4-9E2B-4EB1-8FB4-104389C35E47.png (1920x960, 60.71K)

Fuck the English for bringing niggers to this country as slaves back in the 1600s. You created us, why couldn't you keep it white only?

The State of Victoria

Attached: CD12F346-BB67-47A9-88F5-E7E345502694.png (1920x960, 59.77K)

They’re just novelty mascots but everyone is obsessed with them for some reason.

Attached: hypocrisy.png (1440x709, 91.46K)

I love Britain and my British cousins. I hate the rulers as much as I hate my own and yours. Don't confuse national power structures with the common man

The State of Western Australia

Attached: 9EA13EE9-0AEB-47B6-BC96-A367A0D359D3.png (1920x960, 33.37K)

The dominion of New Zealand

Attached: FCBCF8EF-E5DF-4FDA-9AFB-EAA48446529E.png (1920x960, 38.91K)

The Union of South Africa

Attached: 276014F6-624F-4032-BD8B-6687C2C04452.png (1920x960, 66.59K)

Because African blacks sold their blacks to em cheap.

Conquering other countries, other people work for your fortune. It sounds pretty based to me.

Attached: british_colonialism.jpg (451x300, 63.09K)

The province of Natal

Attached: 951873BD-F77A-4C18-9E95-65AE46F15E39.png (1920x960, 146.29K)

Your queen is a Jew


Irish diaspora

The province of Transvaal

Attached: EF7B8359-76ED-41E7-8B66-4A84759B2644.png (1920x960, 92.71K)

>Your Queen is a Jew

No one gives a fuck about the royals other than boomer grandmothers with nothing better to fixate on

The province of the cape of good hope

Attached: FF4DADA9-3F20-4B9A-BE5B-8A138F3BFE5B.png (1920x960, 121.94K)

Hello shill, spreading dissension again you faggot? Prepare to have all of china raped by India and Pakistan,

The orange river province

Attached: 95177B73-AF81-40B1-B30C-D367BEFA2D2E.png (1920x960, 67K)

Shush chink, remember we don't want you her.

Shut the fuck up burger face at least we can go to school without being shot fuck off back to kfc and edge closer to your next heart attack

Reminder that
>queen has never been to israel
>queen, charles and william are all blood type 0-
>the crown controls the navy
>the church of england does not follow the vatican and has recently gone against it
>the crown has treaties with the natives in canada and the US to come defend them

Attached: Queen Elizabeth II.jpg (800x450, 40.02K)

The empire of India

Attached: 0744F4F6-DBE5-4B80-8CCD-ECFB95F99D5F.png (1920x960, 188.09K)

>>need a license for everything
do americans really believe this?

The Crown Colony of Malta

Attached: 9D6EA651-4320-4B77-BB8A-97683C5EABB2.png (1920x960, 39.68K)

because we simply don't care, the Americas and Australia were the dumping grounds for our poor and the most depraved.

Attached: 1564776299708.jpg (1668x2280, 908.92K)

Also prevented Russia from absolutely destroying Ottoman Empire and retaking Constantinople

The crown colony of Cyprus

Attached: 6AFE2AD1-BAA4-4402-B55E-706903908D03.png (1920x960, 103.03K)

I have met some limeys. I always hated limeys and meeting them just made me hate them more.
Useless leftist boot licking crumpet faggots.

11/10 in bongland

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The crown colony of Anguilla

Attached: 63DC72D4-1B47-4AB9-ACEF-87DC6DC07BA2.png (1920x960, 46.66K)

The crown colony of Antigua and Barbuda

Attached: 31D19582-6AEC-4750-8462-17720CBBBAB2.png (1920x960, 67.32K)

Because America is SOOO much better

Attached: 6E0D9D13-1F63-4D24-A4DD-481C03345F76.jpg (1680x1062, 304.85K)

All our best men died in ww2

Most Brits aren't as obsessed with the royal families affairs as much as the stereotype might suggest but the royal family bring in a lot of tourism which means more money in the economy so people here don't mind them. Except the pedo one hope he hangs

The English are moral, the English are good
And clever and modest and misunderstood

Attached: two_ronnies.jpg (800x680, 74.25K)

The crown colony of the Bahamas

Attached: 5D65C42C-A799-4F28-B76D-1711D9FB5AB2.png (1920x960, 183.03K)


>Also prevented Russia from absolutely destroying Ottoman Empire and retaking Constantinople

Because Russia would have been more of a threat to British interests at the time in control of the Bosporus than the Ottoman empire was

It’s just an internet meme. I’ve heard you need a license for TV, but that’s all I know of.

The crown colony of Barbados

Attached: 26F04F2B-A529-443B-9A7A-D82BB08033FF.png (1920x960, 112.09K)

thank you Canada fren, I too am a lover of flags

rolllll for no2