User i know u want to "preserve" ur aryan genes or whatever...

user i know u want to "preserve" ur aryan genes or whatever...but i was reading here that hapas like me are actually closer to hyperboreans because of this thing called "atavism"....our kids cud be just like ur ancestors in atlantis youre always talking about...what do u think..?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is this your family?

Attached: family-2-1.jpg (600x399, 251.91K)

What about some actual photos of grown up hapas?

Attached: hapas face.jpg (756x754, 477.21K)

Close up photo, like father like son, rite? Hyperborean aryan, rite?

Attached: family-2-1 (2).jpg (262x205, 18.39K)

they all look like they are from ISIS

Nah, taken from hapa project. Where poor mixed race individuals complain about their shitty fate of idiot father fucking a gook and not pulling out in time.

Dear god. They're hideous


Top middle row is a female half-jap. For information to those of you thinking about breeding "honorary aryan waifu". And that "female hapas are always cute".

Cursed and Fingolpilled

No such thing as "Aryan"

Actual hapas very rarely have any white features.


Attached: mongoloid.png (702x523, 116.37K)

Hapas belong here in hawaii. Anywhere else they are an abomination unto the community.
t. Hapa

>Cherrypicks images
>Hapas are all ugly p-please stop fucking our women white man

"always" is a stretch. However, unlike other half breeds and mutts, white-east Asian offspring are generally more aesthetically pleasing than a lot of other mixes. Furthermore, when they are really ugly, the parents would likely have made ugly kids no matter what. Lots of ugly white guys with low tier Asian girls making monsters.

Those french fries look good. i'm hungry.

Still doesn't prove an "Aryan" race. Try harder.

>preserve aryan gene
Nigga u aint preserving shit.

I am hapa and me and my siblings were all top of our classes and could pass for white, win win, sorry we are just superior

Having a qt Jap wife is 100% correct way to save the white race if you have a qt hapa daughter with her and arrange marriage with some 115 IQ pure aryan Chad. Don't @ me

Your kids will still look like curryniggers

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>arrange marriage with some 115 IQ pure aryan Chad.

I expect better from you Poland.

Okay, what about having a hapa wife and 75% white children that you raise the european way, then 90% white grandchildren?

Jesus, look at that fucking goblin. What a disgusting creature.

This is exactly my family. I am hapa and my husband is white. Our kids are bloody beautiful and incredibly smart for their ages. Just sayin

Probably from southern Japan Osaka where they look like straight up Filipinas or her "white" half was actually Amerimutt white (read: Mexican).

Hapas are sadly fucked up in head. Double the chance of some mental disease.

>Okay, what about having a hapa wife and 75% white children

true, but pure asians can be based too.

Attached: seal-doctor-astronaut.jpg (2160x823, 173.7K)

Post feet

jonny kim is a rippper bro, honorary white man for sure

i don't have intellectual conversations with gooks
get back to smacking your lips and making weird faces while you eat, savage
haha sucky fucky huh
hilarious bitch

Good blend

Attached: lindsay.jpg (640x336, 48.25K)

Some hapas are based af

Attached: 0413_Kyle-Larson_click1.jpg (810x462, 50.03K)

Me and all my sibling are attractive hapas guess we were lucky. My mum was the white one however and my dad is Japanese. Maybe that makes a difference who knows

Based. White women are trash. Hapas are the future.

Attached: 1586961110088.jpg (1098x738, 417.67K)

Ah, yes, what was it? Diversity is our strength. Another mantra fed to the low IQ drones to perpetuate our doom.

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Burnt ass fries

And some start BLACKED threads on Yas Forums everyday. It is crap shoot.

Attached: derbyshire.png (728x512, 691.21K)

They look okay. Not amazing, but not bad either. Well within normal.

yeah niggers

Girl is cute

I made the HUGE mistake of marrying a white roastie. Jokes on her though...the eggs and sperm we used for artificial insemination are 100% Japanese. I can’t wait for my little Emperors to be born. She has no idea.

Fucking based

She ugly

That's because most hapa parents are ugly af betas themselves. Ugly white guys trying to pick up ugly Asian girls if they grew up without many Asians in their community because they can't see the flaws as well. (It's an offshoot of 'all Asians look the same'.) Their brain isn't used to them so they look more attractive. I live and grew up in a 50% Asian city and it's hilarious seeing average looking guys hitting on super below-average Asian girls.

Also a gf is a hapa and she's p fucking hot (Russian mom)

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All of you fresh jews should go back. Here is not a place to read your pathetic attempts at influence.

Now we know where Hispanics came from

But it's supposed to be hyperborean aryan, improving white race...
By the way why do hapas obsess about looking white, dating white if their other, asian half is better?
Another quite typical family, can you even tell the kids, are his? Can he be sure?

Attached: 14-Bryant-family.jpg (1200x1600, 1.32M)

lots of ISIS members were central Asians so...

If this is true topkek

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It’s well documented that East Asians have higher IQ and better work ethic, mix it in and it’s just an enhancement

left will murder someone